Unleash Hyperscale Agility to Fuel Tomorrow’s Web Services
In the market for cloud and digital services, speed kills. There’s just so much competition, so many organizations constantly pushing new solutions to meet changing customer needs. If you can’t get new digital products and features out the door quickly—if you can’t retool on the fly to capture new o…
Cisco and AWS Team Up for Better Application Performance, Enhanced Security
It is a safe bet that your business is running some of its applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS). And that you are using Cisco technologies to connect and secure your connections to the AWS cloud. So I am happy to announce today that we are offering enterprise customers even deeper integrations…
The Network as the Heart of Digital Businesses
A few weeks back, I experienced a set of events related to my heart (nothing to worry in case you were wondering) and I just realized how many times we take this critical organ for granted. It is amazing how it adapts as our body changes, pumping blood to every cell continuously. Since I am an IT gu…
Why Your Business Needs a New and Simpler Multicloud Network
Businesses rely on IT to differentiate in any industry by providing better services and user experiences in today’s Digital World. The network has evolved, and it plays a key role in this journey. I often get asked about my top recommendations when building Enterprise Data Center Networks and I want…
Meet the Startups Pioneering Enterprise-Level Disruption and Business Growth at Cisco Live! Europe
As one of the world’s most active corporate VC’s, Cisco believes that keeping a pulse on the start-up ecosystem is one of the best ways to understand what’s next in technology. Our goal is to then harness these insights from external innovation and bring them to our customers. That’s why at this yea…
AIOps & the Future of Performance Monitoring
Two years ago, Cisco announced the intent to acquire AppDynamics, and to celebrate, we hosted a one-of-a-kind virtual launch even on January 23rd. At AppDynamics Transform, David Wadhwani, CEO of AppDynamics, shared what’s next for AppDynamics and Cisco. Anuj Kapur, SVP & Chief Strategy Of…
Thriving in a Multicloud World Where Application is King
In today’s world, applications mean (among many others) business, entertainment, education, news and, of course… profit. There are entire new businesses created from applications, and…. there are entire existing businesses surviving through applications. Did you know that according to Statista there…
Cloud Covered – Are You Insured?
Security is a topic that is a top-of-mind for every CIO out there. It is interesting to know that according to a study performed by Research 451, 64% of enterprises report information security is not a separate line in terms of budget, instead, it is part of their IT infrastructure one. In other wor…
Seamless Growth in the Scale-Out Era
Change is inevitable and it may be a fortunate consequence of growth. In an era where agility is needed and delivering new and better services faster may be the difference between outpacing our competitors or not, IT is many times perceived as one of the major roadblocks. For example, think about a…