cloud native

August 10, 2016


Getting Comfortable With Cloud Native

Are you comfortable with the whole “Cloud Native” concept yet? If your (tech-savvy) neighbor wandered over to chat you up in the front yard and asked you about it, could you explain what it is? How it works? Why it matters? It’s OK if you couldn’t. Most people can’t. Oh they’re not admitting it, but…

July 13, 2016


Mantl Version 1.2 Released – Kubernetes Fully Integrated

This week we are excited to announce our next release of Mantl that introduces Kubernetes integration with Consul which enables Kubernetes services to automatically get registered in Consul and all the enhanced  networking and security capabilities of Mantl are fully integrated to Kubernetes. The ar…

July 8, 2016


Containers and Container Networking are the Hot Topics at Red Hat Summit and Cisco Live

Last week was a busy week in San Francisco, and thanks to our good friends at Red Hat for an awesome Red Hat Summit! We kicked off the event after the first keynote with a packed crowd for the session Hot Topics in Containers, OpenStack and Hadoop. Containers, OpenStack, and Hadoop are three of the…

June 30, 2016


Developing Cloud Native Applications Using the Cisco’s Open Source Shipped and Mantl Platforms

Software engineering and developer communities are driving the market for cloud consumption and leading each industry into a new era of software-defined disruption. There are no longer questions about elastic and flexible agile development as the way to innovate and reduce time to market for busines…

June 17, 2016


Making Container Applications Production Grade

Dockercon is here again. It again promises to be bigger and to bring lots of the container and microservices enthusiasts to Seattle next week.  I am personally looking forward to my 3rd Dockercon (including the Dockercon EU in Barcelona).  Even more so because I am excited to be speaking and sharing…

May 10, 2016


Open Source All the Way Up the Stack

Software engineering and developer communities are driving the market for cloud consumption and leading each industry into a new era of software-defined disruption. There are no longer questions about elastic and flexible agile development as the way to innovate and reduce time to market for busines…

April 19, 2016


Batteries Included, not Crippleware

At Cisco, we are continuously working with our Enterprise and Service Provider customers on the  many issues they are facing with the transition to Cloud Native and Hyperscale in the datacenter. What we have discovered is that with  this transition, administrators are struggling with the the increas…

April 13, 2016


Innovate Beyond the Stack – Innovation begins with Software Disruption

Software engineering and developer communities are driving the market for cloud consumption and leading each industry into a new era of software-defined disruption. There are no longer questions about elastic and flexible agile development as the way to innovate and reduce time to market for busines…

April 8, 2016


Ready to go Cloud Native?

Sure, your first concern when you embrace the whole notion of private cloud is how you’re going to port your legacy apps into your new environment. But what then? Your team can’t just keep developing applications the way they always have and then moving them over. They need to take that next step an…