
Sure, your first concern when you embrace the whole notion of private cloud is how you’re going to port your legacy apps into your new environment. But what then? Your team can’t just keep developing applications the way they always have and then moving them over. They need to take that next step and build applications that are designed for the cloud. That thrive in the cloud. That don’t need workarounds to function well in that agile environment.

That’s where the whole “cloud native” thing comes in. It’s about finding a tool (or combination of tools) that allow you to streamline and accelerate application development so you truly get the most from your shiny new private cloud platform.

And that’s why Cisco is partnering with Pivotal. You see, we already have a terrific on-premises OpenStack-based private cloud solution called Metapod. It gives customers the public cloud experience in a private cloud environment. No building, no deploying, no managing, no upgrading. We do it all, so our customers can just use it—the same way they use a public cloud.

What we needed was to find tools that would work with Metapod to allow developers to quickly and easily build modern applications.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is exactly that kind of tool.

It’s a platform that provides companies with a fast path to digital transformation, so they can deliver next-gen cloud native applications in record time.

Want to learn more about it? We’re hosting a webinar this coming Tuesday (4/12) to explain how this new approach to software development is transforming industries, what it takes in practical terms to create an agile, cloud native organization, and how Pivotal Cloud Foundry + Cisco Metapod can make it all happen.

To register, click here.