Cloud Foundry

September 28, 2016


Containerized Cloud Foundry is Key Element for Cloud Native

As founding members of the Cloud Native Container Foundation and Open Container Initiative. We believe cloud Foundry is a key element in cloud native platform strategy. We are also committed to contributions in the open source Cloud Foundry community. Many readers will be familiar with Cisco’s part…

August 10, 2016


Getting Comfortable With Cloud Native

Are you comfortable with the whole “Cloud Native” concept yet? If your (tech-savvy) neighbor wandered over to chat you up in the front yard and asked you about it, could you explain what it is? How it works? Why it matters? It’s OK if you couldn’t. Most people can’t. Oh they’re not admitting it, but…

April 8, 2016


Ready to go Cloud Native?

Sure, your first concern when you embrace the whole notion of private cloud is how you’re going to port your legacy apps into your new environment. But what then? Your team can’t just keep developing applications the way they always have and then moving them over. They need to take that next step an…

December 15, 2014


Under the Hood: Cisco Collaboration Cloud

It’s been two weeks since the launch of Project Squared and the Cisco Collaboration Cloud. We’ve received fantastic feedback and great uptake. And we’re really happy that so many people are using Project Squared – and liking the experience. I’d like to take you on a little behind-the-scenes tour and…