cloud native
Millennials About To Rock…The Cloud Salutes You!
Millennials are often judged as being ‘lazy, impatient and self-entitled.’ We want it all and we want it now (myself included!) But is that really a bad thing? Look at all the innovations that our impatience and need for convenience has sparked. The moment we wake up, we check our mails, read the da…
Developing Cloud Native Applications
Software engineering and developer communities are driving the market for cloud consumption and leading each industry into a new era of software-defined disruption. There are no longer questions about elastic and flexible agile development as the way to innovate and reduce time to market for busines…
Looking Back at 2016, a Year in Cable
As we have just come back from the holidays and spent time with family and loved ones, I wanted to take the opportunity to look back at 2016 and provide you with some of the highlights for Cisco in Cable Access over the year. In May 2016 we celebrated the first birthday of the cBR-8, our evolved CCA…
Cloud Native CMTS, Next Gen Virtualization for Cable Access
Virtualization is an overloaded word. Originally it was used to describe a form of hardware emulation, but these days it appears that any form of software abstraction is called “virtualization”. In the context of the CMTS the term cloud native more accurately describes the upcoming evolution of the…
Different Clouds for Different Crowds
Recently, I was fortunate enough to be invited to present at the NSW GovDC conference. The fourth industrial revolution, described by Dr Klaus Schwab in his book launched at the 2016 World Economic Forum, has not just begun; it’s in full swing. This is not simply a trend or a fad. The fourth industr…
The Journey to Digital Transformation
Companies are being disrupted by smaller, more agile companies that are able to leverage software and better react to the needs of their customers. Some recent examples include Amazon, Uber, Netflix, and AirBnB. To survive, your company must put software at the center of its business strategy. At th…
Containerized Cloud Foundry is Key Element for Cloud Native
As founding members of the Cloud Native Container Foundation and Open Container Initiative. We believe cloud Foundry is a key element in cloud native platform strategy. We are also committed to contributions in the open source Cloud Foundry community. Many readers will be familiar with Cisco’s part…
New IDC Study: Cloud Grows, But Few Are Maximizing Value
Is your cloud strategy achieving all your business goals? Do you know where you stack up against your peers? Here at Cisco we partnered with IDC in a cloud study of unprecedented scale of over 6,100 organizations to help our customers find exactly that out. Because cloud – private, public or hybrid…
The Journey to Cloud Native
Software engineering and developer communities are driving the market for cloud consumption and leading each industry into a new era of software-defined disruption. There are no longer questions about elastic and flexible agile development as the way to innovate and reduce time to market for busines…