
September 12, 2013


IoE: Dead or Alive on Wireless

When we examine the average wireless client on a network today, we see a few options. There is the smartphone, the tablet, or the laptop. Even the Apple TV and Roku are often based off of similar technology and chipsets. All of these devices connect to a wide range of services, often consuming large…

September 4, 2013


Solving the Network Location Problem with LISP Part 2

Hey Bro, Do you even LISP? So in the last article, we discussed a bit of why a solution like LISP ( Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol) is required. To summarize, there aren’t enough IPv4 addresses to go around and there are too many IPv6 addresses to let them ‘roam’ using traditional routing m…

August 28, 2013


Choosing a Cisco Partner for an Advanced Technology Project

Since returning from Cisco Live! I have been working on our next big project. In this case, I will need help in my design and deployment so I have to select the company that will help me; choosing a VAR (Value Added Reseller) for the project is a very important choice. Most companies have a policy o…

August 21, 2013


Is Affordable Healthcare Worth The Cost?

Most everyone has heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” a phrase referencing the fact that everything has a cost and if you’re not paying for it, someone else is. In the US today, the largest age group in our population is comprised of Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 &…

August 14, 2013


SDN in the Enterprise: aligning with business needs part 2

“I confess that in 1901, I said to my brother Orville that man would not fly for fifty years . . . Ever since, I have distrusted myself and avoided all predictions.” — Wilbur Wright, 1908 In SDN in the Enterprise: aligning with business needs I highlighted one of what some people a…

July 31, 2013


SDN in the Enterprise: aligning with business needs

There is always a well-known solution to every human problem–neat, plausible, and wrong. – H.L. Mencken As a long-time practitioner of the art of beating computers and communications systems into submission, I am as enamored with the latest gee-wiz technology trends and tools as the next…

July 24, 2013


Solving the Network Location Problem with LISP

Your Location Has Changed, Carry On! Solving the Network Location Problem with LISP (Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol) The first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions location is our GPS location. Our ability to roam around the earth with our mobile devices is something many of us tak…

July 22, 2013


Connecting The Unconnected: What If We Have It All Wrong?

The internet of everything (IoE) is about connecting the previously unconnected. When most people think about creating these connections, they think about doing so by adding sensory technology to inanimate objects, thereby making objects “smarter.” What if we have this paradigm all wrong? What if th…

July 8, 2013


Learning, Friends and Social Networking at #CLUS

Cisco Live! has come to a close and I want my first Cisco Guest Blog post to be about my amazing week in Orlando.  I am a Wireless Engineer based in St. Petersburg, Florida and I try to make it to Cisco Live! as often as possible (which has been every other year recently). The Keynotes were great th…