Cisco Blogs / Jonathan Davis
Jonathan Davis
Network Engineer
Jonathan Davis is a network engineer located in Greensboro, NC. He has worked in IT for over 13 years. He is a Cisco Champion, a Tech Field Day Delegate, a blogger, and a student for life. Jonathan works hard to be a contributor and a thought leader within the community. He believes that knowledge and understanding may germinate and take root during introspection, but it thrives and flourishes through dialog. The majority of Jonathan’s current day is spent engineering wireless or datacenter solutions for a very large global manufacturing company. When he finally steps away from the keyboard, Jonathan likes to ride motorcycles, work in his yard and garden, and spend time with his wife.
IoE: Dead or Alive on Wireless
When we examine the average wireless client on a network today, we see a few options. There is the smartphone, the tablet, or the laptop. Even the Apple TV and Roku are often based off of similar technology and chipsets. All of these devices connect to a wide range of services, often consuming large…