Cisco on Cisco

July 9, 2014


Cisco IT’s Identity Services Engine Deployment: Project Planning, Personnel, and Progress

Several customers have asked me how Cisco IT does project planning for a large enterprise deployment such as the Identity Services Engine, or ISE. What’s our approach? How do we manage operational costs? How do we measure performance? What personnel are involved throughout the process? //…

July 2, 2014


My Cisco Live Debut

I joined Cisco five years ago as a contractor. And I’ve proudly been part of the Cisco on Cisco team for the past 2 years. This was my first Cisco Live and my first time delivering a Cisco on Cisco session at an event.  //…

June 25, 2014


Application Centric Infrastructure Addresses 3 CIO & VP of Infrastructure Top-of-Mind Concerns

Among the top concerns for CIOs and VPs of infrastructure are making IT relevant to the business and driving revenue growth, reducing operational expenses while preserving innovation, and mitigating risk by meeting or exceeding security and compliance requirements. The Cisco Application Centric Infr…

June 18, 2014


Reducing Data Center Power Demand with Cisco UCS

Look at the operating costs for your data centers and you’ll likely see a big amount for the electrical power to run the servers, storage, networking components, and cooling systems. Since power consumption is an area where even small changes can add up to big savings over time, we want to take adva…

June 11, 2014


How Virtualization Is Changing Software Licensing for the Data Center

Erich Latchford In the days before data centers were virtualized, the licensing model for operating systems and application software was simple: 1 server = 1 license. But this model doesn’t work in an environment where a single physical server can host multiple virtual servers. //…

May 28, 2014


My Week at CiscoLive! San Francisco 2014

SDN-SDN-SDN…No longer does it stand for “Still Does Nothing”! Welcome to the world of Cisco where today is ACI and tomorrow is a stellar collaboration lineup. I hope you are prepared for a wild ride! This year was the 25th Anniversary of Cisco Live, previously known as “Networkers”, and what an even…

May 21, 2014


How FCoE Helps Cisco Reduce Data Center Infrastructure

What a difference a networking cable can make in a data center’s infrastructure requirements and costs…especially when that cable uses Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) technology. An industry-standard, FCoE carries Fibre Channel over Ethernet links, which reduces the number of I/O adapters, cables…

May 16, 2014


Cisco IT’s Road to Application Centric Infrastructure: Organizational Readiness and the Program Team

Cisco IT is early in the journey to deploying an application centric infrastructure (ACI). This journey requires us to look at the IT organization differently. When we started evaluating what it would take to align applications to the network, we quickly realized that our organizational structure wa…

April 30, 2014


eStore, A Winning Digital Strategy

Earlier this month, we received some great news. Cisco ranked 25th on the InformationWeek Elite top 100 leading-edge IT organizations. Our ranking is a clear result of how we are embracing mobility, analytics, and cloud technologies to cut costs, boost productivity, and essentially, provide the best…