Cisco Hybrid Cloud

July 6, 2016


Red Hat Summit 2016: What You May Have Missed

In case you missed the Red Hat Summit in San Francisco, it was most certainly an event well-worth attending …. there was even a wedding! Yes, that is not a typo. During the second day general session, Red Hat held an actual wedding ceremony. If you needed any tangible sign to convince yourself of th…

March 29, 2016


Infographic: Are you ready for the Hybrid Cloud?

Many organizations realize the fact that only a limited percentage of private cloud implementations will remain within the boundaries of their data center(s). And that is why they are already deploying hybrid clouds to achieve significant benefits such as: Lower TCO On-demand flexibility for hostin…

March 25, 2016


Hybrid Cloud Is Growing … But Requires Workload Portability, Security, and Policy Enablement

The variety of interpretations about what hybrid cloud is, should be or could be continues to evolve …. This is why for quite some time whenever hybrid cloud comes up I have tried to discuss hybrid cloud in very practical terms. The most popular interpretations of hybrid cloud typically fall across…

March 21, 2016


Infographic: How Do You Consume Private Cloud?

For many organizations – depending on the application, data management policies and use case(s) – deploying a private cloud environment for all their applications is not necessarily the best path. As outlined in my previous blog, the best cloud strategy gives you the largest number of op…

March 1, 2016


Power(ful) Partnerships in the Digital Age

This blog is co-authored by Michelle Chiantera, Senior Director of Global Partner Marketing. Today, Cisco Partner Summit 2016 kicked off in sunny San Diego. We’re energized and ready for the great week we have planned for our 2,200 partners joining us onsite from around the world. Moments ago, duri…