Cisco Hybrid Cloud

January 22, 2020


2020: Kicking off 10 years of FlexPod Success

2010 was a year I’ll never forget. Whether it was because I was severely disappointed and heartbroken in the season finale of Lost or not, I’ll never tell. The launch of Instagram, Angry Birds, The Jersey Shore and the first iPad also defined pop culture that year – and are still leading it in one w…

July 31, 2018


Istio 1.0: Making It Easier To Develop and Deploy Microservices

With the recent availability of Istio 1.0 it is not surprising that it continues to capture much attention from the technical press and developer community. As an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices, Istio promises to make it much easier to build and operate micro-service base…

July 30, 2018


Why Hybrid Cloud Makes Sense for Developers

Developers are always looking to embrace new technologies that can help them build the applications that drive innovation forward. This was evident at the Google Cloud Next ’18 conference, where more than 25,000 registrants came to learn more about the possibilities of cloud. I was there as a guest…

December 14, 2017


Why Apigee is Awesome

When we announced the joint hybrid cloud partnership Cisco has developed with Google, Kip Compton revealed the pieces of the solution with this high level diagram: Between now and GA, I’ll be discussing some details on the individual components of the solution that make up the combined whole, start…

August 9, 2017


Build Once, Deliver Anywhere

Formula 1 racing is a highly controlled, technical masterpiece. It demands expert drivers, finely-tuned race cars, top-notch pit crews and world class tracks to draw 300 million viewers per race. But notice: The drivers drive the same car in every race, at every venue. They don’t build a new car for…

August 3, 2017


How hybrid cloud banishes evil clowns (sort of)

Although cloud security has improved tremendously over the years, public cloud still gives some federal IT managers pause. To at least some federal IT managers, the idea of trusting sensitive data to a public cloud provider is not much more appealing than spending a night in an abandoned house while…

March 10, 2017


Are We Treating Cloud Just Like Another Data Center?

Yesterday at Google Next, Urs Hölzle quoted a great stat by RightScale – users waste 45% of cloud resources that they buy. While this number is not too far from what typically happens in traditional data centers, which operate at 20-30% of capacity on average, cloud promises a pay-per-use model. You…

January 26, 2017


Top 5 Reasons to Assess Your Cloud Adoption Maturity in 2017

As highlighted in IDC’s recent CloudView Survey post, almost 78% of organizations use some form of cloud today, yet only 3% of the companies IDC surveyed have optimized cloud strategies in place. The most mature cloud organizations are defined by their use of DevOps, hybrid and multi-provider clouds…