July 10, 2017


Struggling with scaling data storage? You’re not alone!

In this new digital economy, data is king and storing it requires a well-funded army. At least it does when you maintain the status quo with legacy storage solutions. In this scenario, cost and complexity often impede a business’s ability to scale and adapt to these new digital demands. This signals…

February 6, 2017


What do Cisco UCS S-Series and Facebook’s Open Vault both have in common?

Everyone these days seems to want to operate like the massive scale data center operators or at least capitalize on the economies of scale they created in their wake. It’s a familiar trickle-down economics idea that sounds great on paper but doesn’t always operationalize well for the rest of the wor…

November 22, 2016


AWS or Private Cloud or both, what’s your strategy?

Well we just opened up a hornet’s nest didn’t we?! Our recent announcement of the new Cisco UCS S-Series Storage Server definitely caused a stir in the industry. We launched into the emerging scale out storage market with a broad ecosystem of solution partners backed by amazing customers like Cirrit…