Digital and Social
Professional Social Media: From the Eyes of a College Kid
Social Media has been an integral part of my life ever since my Mom allowed me to create a Facebook page my freshman year of high school. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Webex Social, have completely changed the way I interact with others. As I make the transition from a collegiate… is a Top Global Enterprise Site has been featured by industry research firm ByteLevel Research as “Best Global Enterprise Technology Website” in their latest ‘Global By Design” installment focusing on globalization web practices in tech B2B. ByteLevel Research is the author of the annual Globaliza…
Exploring Social Media with Caution
Today, we have never been so connected and accessible. Information has never been that easy to get. And we’ve never been spoiled with so many updates. I used to remember sending snail mails (from Manila) to my grandma who was living in the U.S. back then. That took a lot of time. I remember my f…
Cisco Women and TechGirlsUK
A Twitter success story Theresa Russell teaches Computing to teenagers in Lancashire, England. We found each other on Twitter. I was looking to better understand the newest trends in #EdTech. She needed a female mentor for an international competition she had talked five students into joining. W…
The Rolling Stones and Social Media
Live music is a very social experience. And, social media enables concerts to be experienced outside of the four walls of the concert hall. I went to see the Rolling Stones in San Jose earlier this week. “How was the concert?” people asked me. My Response: “The most rocking concert…
Social Media for Savvy Marketers Event: On Demand
We want to thank you for your participation the Social Media for Savvy Marketers event last week! All of the individual sessions presented last week are now available for viewing on demand: You can view any of the sessions from the 2-day event. Please take a short event …
Social Media Mini Stories from Around Cisco #SocialSavvy #CiscoSMT
Thanks to everyone who attended the Social Media for Savvy Marketers conference last week – in person or virtually. We received some questions about the slides that were displayed in the Social Media Training simulation area. The examples shown in the rotation were mini stories from around Cisco, ra…
5 Tips to Becoming a “Savvy” Social Media Marketer
Where do you go to find social media tips, statistics, trends, and best practices? I recently attended the Social Media for Savvy Marketers event hosted by Cisco featuring speakers from Twitter, SAP, Adobe, BuzzFeed,, Percolate, and more. The two-day event brought candid conversations…
Getting Social with the Cisco Global Events Mobile App
The Cisco “Social Media for Savvy Marketers” event starts tomorrow! The event will be held on the Cisco San Jose campus this Thursday & Friday (4/18 – 4/19/13). We are looking forward to dynamic sessions, with more than 33 speakers and panelists, representing digital and social marketing profe…