Executive Platform
Going the Distance: Technology for Today’s Athlete
Hills, hills and more hills but the view is amazing and does everyone here have a device tracking them? Stream of consciousness, yes, and my thoughts after participating in last weekend’s Coastal Trail Run along with 599 other runners. Connected Runners Most of whom were connected to some sort of de…
Valentine’s Day Webcast – “An Introduction to OpenFlow”
What better way to spend Valentine’s day than to watch a webcast on OpenFlow and SDN, perhaps with your significant other? The last couple of years have seen considerable buzz around aspects of software-defined networking. A significant portion of the early seed discussion was around OpenFlow…
The Future of TV: Coming Soon to a Wall Near You
The future of television may well include holographic, multisensory experiences worthy of science fiction. But many other visionary predictions are closer to the horizon, if not already upon us. These are creating exciting opportunities, while forcing all players in the television value chain to ada…
Amcom brings UCaaS to the Australian Enterprise with Cisco
As demand for hosted technology in the Australian enterprise increases, we are pleased to announce that we have teamed with ASX-listed Amcom to deliver our Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) to the Australian market (see press release here). Offering IT and Unified Communications-as-a-Service is a…
The We’re Listening Blog Series: Making It Easier to Do Business with Cisco by Simplifying Order Management
In this installment of the “We’re Listening” blog, Kathy Harrington, VP of Global Service Delivery, delves into actions taken by Cisco’s Order Management team to improve your order management experience. By Guest Contributor Kathy Harrington We constantly strive to achieve the best…
The Extrasensory Enterprise: Turning Data Complexity into Advantage
By Shaun Kirby, Director, Innovations Architecture Internet Business Solutions Group If anyone still doubts the overwhelming complexity of today’s data deluge, Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google, offers some poignant perspective. In a recent book, “The Human Face of Big Data”, he observes that fr…
Cisco VNI Mobile Data Forecast Update (2012 – 2017): Major Milestones and Shifts Revealed in 2013 Study
Today, Cisco released its latest Visual Networking Index (VNI) Mobile Forecast, 2012-2017. This annual study provides lots of interesting data, new growth projections, and our perspectives on key trends that are shaping the future of mobile networks and user behavior. While many ardent forecast afic…
May I Borrow a Cup of WiFi?
At one time, a knock on the door was from a friend or neighbor looking to borrow some sugar or the hedge trimmer. Today, more often than not, that knock represents someone stopping by for a visit and asking to “borrow” your home network to connect to the Internet. U.S. consumers carry an aver…
Gen-I Introduces ReadyCloud Collaboration based on Cisco HCS to enable New Zealand Businesses to Harness the Benefits of …
Cisco Gold Certified Partner Gen-i today announced the launch of ReadyCloud Collaboration, a hosted collaboration-as-a-service solution based on Cisco’s globally recognised Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) platform. ReadyCloud Collaboration will bring together Cisco’s international strength and G…