Executive Platform

February 27, 2013


“The Network:” Cisco’s Technology Newsroom Garners Industry Awards

Yesterday, “The Network: Cisco’s Technology News Site” was honored by Ragan PR Daily as “Best Online Newsroom.”  (Great .gif of Sandra Bullock on this page as well, by the way!) And, last month, we received the Grand Prize from Bulldog Reporter 2012 Bulldog Digital/Social PR Awards for “The Network.…

February 25, 2013


The Future of Education: #TomorrowStartsHere

Frustrated. That’s how Wharton School of Business Professor Karl Ulrich feels when he cannot engage with students enrolled in the prestigious University of Pennsylvania’s remote campus in San Francisco. Given how many hats members of the faculty from the school wear, it’s a real challenge. Take Ulri…

February 21, 2013


Remote Management Services: Rethinking the Way You Manage and Operate IT

Just a few short years ago, if your car broke down, you would automatically take it to your local mechanic who would identify the issue and fix it. Fast forward to 2013 – today we live in an era where our cars tell US when there is a potential issue or it needs a service and, more often than not, th…

February 20, 2013


The Internet of Everything: Transforming College Education To Align with Business Needs #IoE

As a father of future college students, I’m excited that Cisco’s announcement yesterday about the Internet of Everything (IoE) Economy may finally transform college education to provide graduates with the real-world skills needed by businesses today — and tomorrow. Before I jump too far ahead, let…

February 20, 2013


Gold, Silver, Bronze and …Green! Cisco Wins AT&T Supplier Sustainability Award

Today’s always-on, connected lifestyles and business practices have reached new levels according to the Cisco Visual Networking Index Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast for 2012 to 2017.  In fact, in the next five years, worldwide mobile data traffic is predicted to increase 13-fold, with global mo…

February 19, 2013


Mobility = Motion = $$$$

Human beings are nomadic, social creatures by nature. Throughout the course of human history, we have innovated new communication technologies to help us stay in touch with our social networks while we roamed the globe. In today’s digital connected world, we have become “addicted” to mobility becaus…

February 18, 2013


The Possibilities of The Internet of Everything Economy #IoE

The only constant is change – and companies that do not change get left behind. My perspective is that it’s best to accept change as inevitable – to embrace it, lead it, and use it to shape desired outcomes. As I discussed previously, many of today’s leading trends –what I call market transitions –…

February 18, 2013


What Really Matters in Collaboration

On the eve of Microsoft’s first Lync User Conference, I think it’s a great time to start a frank and direct conversation about what’s changed in collaboration and, because of those changes, what’s really important for IT decision makers to consider as they evaluate collaboration vendors and solution…

February 14, 2013


Is Software Defined Networking (SDN) a journey to somewhere?

Not One-size-fits-all In the world of fashion, one-size-fits all has very limited appeal. People come in all shapes and sizes, with tastes, preferences, and needs that are equally diverse. So too are the diverse approaches and use cases that are driving interest in Software Defined Networking (SDN),…