Network Evolution and Network Engineering
The role of the network has been top of mind lately as another defining moment in networking history is on the horizon. In a nutshell, network engineering must change—again. It changed when voice was added to the network. It changed again when video went main stream. Now, we must respond to anothe…
Cisco Umbrella WLAN — Your First Line of Defense on Enterprise Network
In the stores of tomorrow, phones will replace cashiers. In the fields of tomorrow, connected crops will solve global food challenges. In the factories of tomorrow, connected robots will work together autonomously. This is the near future, and in some cases, these activities have already become real…
Cisco and Australian College Bring Classrooms to the Home
For many people, learning is best done in the classroom. But what if, either because of illness or geography, a student can’t be in the classroom? The next best thing is creating a connected learning environment. At Australia’s Open Access College (OAC) in Adelaide and Port Augusta, more than 200 in…
Ushering in the Network of the Future
Digitization opens up an amazing opportunity to create new capabilities, richer experiences and an unprecedented economic opportunity. And yet, research shows that digital disruption will also displace four out of the 10 top companies by 2020. Those that succeed will have one key asset in common: a…
Cisco and Watkins Glen Take Back Wasted Time
Wasted time. We’ve all experienced it. From waiting in line at the DMV to sitting in traffic, when we’re stuck in neutral through no fault of our own. It’s frustrating and we’d all love to be doing something more constructive with our time. This isn’t just an experience that is unique to adults, it…
Cisco DNA Makes Wales Hospital System Faster and Safer
It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, the most important resource that an organization possesses is time. When you save time, you’re saving more than just money and nowhere is that more evident than at a hospital. The Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University (ABMU) Health Board in Wales is using Cisco…
Cisco APs Provide Real-World Data for University of Melbourne
Analytics are the backbone of any good decision. If you don’t have all of the numbers, you’re not getting the full picture. Sometimes it’s hard to get the right numbers though. But that’s all changed, getting the numbers is easier than you think – you just need to look to your wireless network. That…
Take Education from the Dark Ages to the Digital Age with Cisco DNA
I went to school in the Dark Ages. Alright, that may be a little melodramatic. It was San Francisco public schools in the 80’s and 90’s: we barely had enough musty, old textbooks to distribute to each student, school computers were used solely for Oregon Trail, and my teachers used noisy overhead pr…
An IPv6 Campus of the Future
IPv6 as a protocol has been known for a while, but enterprises are beginning to understand the ways in which it can help them achieve their goals, improve efficiency and gain functionality that were hitherto unavailable. When the IPv4 to IPv6 transition first took place, some Internet-scale companie…

Multidomain Architecture
Make your intent-based network do more with a multidomain architecture—by integrating your networking domains and creating a true, enterprise-wide intent-based network.

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