
February 24, 2017


Applications Meet Infrastructure at Cisco Live Berlin: DevNet Zone

By all rights I should be exhausted.  But I’m not.  To the contrary, as Cisco Live Berlin 2017 winds down, I’m totally energized.  So much creativity.  So many amazing people, with innovative products and ideas that are truly transforming the way we live and work.  I saw this first-hand in our DevNe…

February 23, 2017


Check Out the Cisco Flexible Radio Assignment Whitepaper!

The No Strings Attached Show has published a whitepaper on Cisco Flexible Radio Assignment (FRA).  FRA is a feature of the Aironet 2800 and 3800 series access points.  These APs have a flexible radio that can operate in 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, or monitor mode- this allows for both radios on the AP to be con…

February 21, 2017


Start Navigating Your Digital Journey Today with Cisco DNA

How can you take advantage of new network virtualization and security innovations to help accelerate digital transformation in your organization? As I flew from San Francisco to Berlin, Germany this week to attend our annual CiscoLive Europe (#CLEUR), I turned on my infotainment system to look at th…

February 21, 2017


Make network virtualization a reality with Cisco DNA Virtualization

Last year Cisco laid out a blueprint for customers to build a digital ready network, Cisco Digital Network Architecture or DNA. Virtualization stood out as one of its key pillars and we announced Cisco Enterprise NFV,  a solution for virtualizing the branch, that enables our customers to deploy netw…

February 21, 2017


Enterprise Network Security: Is it in your DNA?

If you were driving a race car without brakes, chances are you’d keep your speed in check. How else could you manage the corners? Pushing the pedal-to-the-metal on the straightaways and actually reaching the car’s peak performance would only end poorly when the road turns. The same can be said for e…

February 20, 2017


Caffeine for the Tech Brain: TFDx at CLEUR this Wednesday

Tech Field Day Extra is back at Cisco Live Berlin this week – an exciting 2 full days of deep dives, white boarding, Q&A, and lots of fun, geeky, conversation. The Monday sessions will soon be online for playback while the Wednesday sessions of TFDx are some must-watch programming. I personally…

February 14, 2017


SD-WAN is Mission-Critical – Don’t Leave Critical Functions Shortchanged

This guest blog post was written by Nolan Greene, Sr. Research Analyst with IDC’s Network Infrastructure group covering Enterprise Networks.  Nolan can be found on Twitter here. There is justifiably a great deal of hype around the rise of Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN). Organizations are becoming mor…

February 7, 2017


Introducing DevNet Create: The Developer Conference Where Applications Meet Infrastructure

We’ve grown DevNet over the last 3 years and, thanks to you, we have had tremendous success together. We feel that it’s now time to work with the broader developer community to drive an important industry transformation in front of us: how modern applications and modern infrastructure can work bette…

January 17, 2017


Welcome to the Future of Mobility, Courtesy of Cisco DNA

When it comes to visions of the future, what’s the one aspect that’s the same for anyone discussing that topic? From Gene Roddenberry to Isaac Asimov to George Jetson, the one constant is that life becomes easier the more mobile and more automated it is. Well, welcome to the future, courtesy of Cisc…

Multidomain Architecture

Make your intent-based network do more with a multidomain architecture—by integrating your networking domains and creating a true, enterprise-wide intent-based network.

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