
April 13, 2017


Cisco SD-WAN Networking Service for Public Clouds

Guest post by Fan Yang & Tony Banuelos Enterprises across all verticals are migrating their applications to public cloud (IaaS) services and taking advantage of the great cost savings on compute hosting. But the cost benefits shouldn’t affect security, scalability or customer experience. Enterpr…

April 11, 2017


Creating Digitization Opportunities Starts With Your Wireless Access Points

Wireless used to be simply a backup option to connect to the network for many enterprises. Wi-Fi was useful but certainly not mission-critical. No longer. Wireless has now become the center of almost any enterprise’s digitization strategy. Here are some anecdotal examples. The world’s largest amusem…

April 10, 2017


Network Programmability – Bringing the Digital Revolution to Network Programming

The next time you fly, look at the instrument panel the pilots are using to fly the plane. Gone are the quivering dials and cloudy gauges. Flight decks are now dominated by sleek, digital displays and advanced on-board systems that allow pilots to focus on flying the plane rather than managing the i…

April 6, 2017


Cisco Enables Dense Wi-Fi Pop-Up for Maine’s MLTI Student Conference

Each May students from all over Maine converge on the University of Maine as it hosts a summer student conference as part of the Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) 1:1 program. Last year, for the 13th year, over one thousand middle school and high school students, armed with their mobile de…

April 6, 2017


Empowering IT for Massive Network Change

Digitization is changing the world. All kinds of businesses, organizations and countries are going digital to innovate more quickly, compete more effectively and serve customers better. But digitization is also placing unprecedented demands on the network. Traditional hardware-centric, manually conf…

March 30, 2017


Extend Virtualization Beyond The Branch

A year ago, I introduced our Enterprise NFV solution. This year at CiscoLive Berlin (#CLEUR), we announced solutions that extend virtualization beyond the branch, across the entire enterprise network and to the cloud. Every day, we see how digital transformation is changing the way we work, live, pl…

March 29, 2017


Helping SMBs Compete on a Level (Wireless) Playing Field

It can be tough for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB). They need to compete with the deep pockets of bigger organizations who can provide top-notch wireless access to customers, vendors and employees alike. But finding cutting-edge wireless network solutions that won’t break the bank, are easy…

March 27, 2017


March 30 #CiscoChat: Keeping a Competitive Wireless Network from the Enterprise to Small Business

We live in a mobile-oriented era. Between our work lives and our lives as consumers, we are connected to the internet constantly. For businesses ranging from large enterprise all the way down to the SMB level, this means more devices, more applications, and higher bandwidth demands. As companies see…

March 21, 2017


Embrace Innovation Where Applications Meet Infrastructure

Cisco’s continued innovative approach is guided by Systems Engineers taking action on their experiences at the forefront of business change. This is a group of people who are passionate about technology and leading market transitions. Two years ago, Distinguished Systems Engineer, Charles Duffy, and…

Multidomain Architecture

Make your intent-based network do more with a multidomain architecture—by integrating your networking domains and creating a true, enterprise-wide intent-based network.

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