Digital Transformation
Creativity: The Secret Sauce for Successful Consultants
One of the challenges we’re seeing in business today is the need to re-learn the problem solving process. This need is increasing demand for creativity as a critical competency of the consultant of the future – driven by how businesses capture value harnessing the connectivity and intelligence enabl…
Artificial Intelligence, Linking People and Things on the Hong Kong Subway
Connecting Dark Assets: An ongoing series on how the Internet of Everything is transforming the ways in which we live, work, play, and learn. The Internet of Everything (IoE) is all about connecting people, process, data, and things in innovative ways. And if you think that’s just a nice vision for…
Go to the Edge to Unlock Value in the Internet of Everything
Now that we are connecting billions of things to the Internet, companies are faced with a huge opportunity and a huge dilemma. Connected things are generating an explosion of data that has the potential to save and earn tremendous amounts of money, time, and resources for companies. However, much of…
My Internet of Everything Holiday Wish List
‘Tis the season to shop and to make resolutions for the coming year. I’m doing a fair bit of both, inspired by the many Internet of Everything (IoE) products that are popping up everywhere. And while it’s the season of giving, I’m also finding plenty of things I wouldn’t mind getting myself. Accord…
IoT: Moving from Connecting Devices to Capturing Insights
There’s a lot at stake—$19 trillion in fact—as companies transform into digital businesses to capture value from the Internet of Everything (IoE). More than 42 percent of this value, or $8 trillion, will come from one of IoE’s chief enablers, the Internet of Things (IoT). While IoE is the networked…
Future Innovators and Entrepreneurs: The IoTWF Young Women’s Innovation Grand Challenge is Open
In October at the Internet of Things World Forum we announced the Young Women’s Innovation Grand Challenge. This challenge was announced to help bring more women into the sciences as we connect more of the unconnected with the Internet of Things. I’m pleased to announce that the IoT World Forum You…
Children’s National Health System Improves Medical Services With the Internet of Everything
Most parents share a common fear – that something might happen to their child, and they won’t be able to help or make them better. No parent wants to jump in the car with a sick child for a trip to the emergency room. But if that fever just won’t break or the cough is only getting worse, most parent…
IoE Takes the Shirt Off Your Back, and Makes It Smarter and Healthier
Connecting Dark Assets: An ongoing series on how the Internet of Everything is transforming the ways in which we live, work, play, and learn. It may be true that the clothes make the person, as Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet. But even he never imagined how the Internet of Everything (IoE) would be chan…
A Safer Ride, with a Smarter Motorcycle Helmet
Connecting Dark Assets: An ongoing series on how the Internet of Everything is transforming the ways in which we live, work, play, and learn. Racing down the wide, open highway on a beautifully crafted motorcycle is one of life’s most exhilarating rushes. At least I used to think so, before my wife…