
Joseph M. Bradley

Global Vice President

Digital & IoT Advanced Services

Joseph M. Bradley is the global vice president of the Digital & IoT Professional Services Organization at Cisco and senior research fellow for the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation. In these roles, he leads a team of multidisciplinary experts and technologist who help CXOs and government leaders transform into digital organizations.

Bradley built the foundation for Cisco’s Internet of Things strategy and the Internet of Everything’s Practice by directing Cisco’s influential research that determined $19 trillion of IoE value. Previously, he led the Research & Economics, Strategic Communications, and Operations functions of Cisco Consulting.

Before Cisco, Bradley was the President at Uptake Technologies, CEO at C3 Communications, and Vice President General Manager of the Data Communications group at AT&T. He earned an economics degree from the University of California at Berkeley. Bradley’s digital business transformation expertise combined with his dynamic and engaging style have made him a popular speaker and thought leader worldwide.


September 10, 2013


When IoE Gets Personal: The Quantified Self Movement!

Microsensors in your shoes compile data on where you go and how much you walk or run. Your workout clothes track your daily progress at the gym and tell you when to slow down or speed up. The pill you swallow reports back on the state of your digestion, vital signs, and overall well-being. And as yo…

August 15, 2013


Is Your Company Ready for the IoE Revolution?

Ever felt that you’ve spent half your life searching for a parking space? Well, it’s not that much of an exaggeration. One study estimates that typical drivers spend 2,549 hours of their lives in the aimless, money-wasting, and gas-guzzling quest for a place to park. Now imagine that through technol…

People + Process + Data + Things = JOBS

“If you don’t get off that computer game, you’ll never amount to anything!” It’s a familiar lament in modern families. Yet as parents fret about the time their children spend gaming, they may be missing the bigger picture — by failing to perceive the future of job creation in the Internet of Everyth…

July 17, 2013


Three Simple Ways to Boost Mobile Device Security

The explosion in business mobility is transforming our companies in profound—and sometimes challenging—ways. One of the most vexing issues is security. Recently, I came across a Wharton article predicting that by 2015, more Americans will access the Internet through mobile devices than PCs. From ope…

Internet of Everything: A Pivot Point in Technology — and Thinking

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” So said Dave Evans, Cisco’s chief futurist, in his keynote address at Cisco Live 2013.  I couldn’t agree more! As we usher in a new era of hyperconnectivity, we will see our environment in unprecedented ways, and then manage it like never before…

The Internet of Everything: a Future Vision, Arriving Today

This week I had the privilege of speaking at Cisco Live 2013 about the coming explosion in connectivity among people, processes, data, and things, which Cisco calls the Internet of Everything (IoE). This massive technological and societal shift promises to transform and accelerate our lives in profo…

What Do CEOs Care About in a Hyper-Connected World?

If you think we already live in a connected world (and we do!), get ready to fasten your seatbelts. Today, there are “only” about 10 billion connected “things” on the planet. This includes hundreds of millions of people communicating with one another in myriad ways, and a rapid increase in two-way c…

May 31, 2013


[Cross-Post] Is Your Company Achieving the Full Value of BYOD?

Robert Metcalfe popularized the idea of the “network effect,” where the value of a network grows exponentially in proportion to the number of users and things on that network. Many people these days wonder if this principle applies to the “bring your own device” (BYOD) trend—where the complexity of…

May 30, 2013


Is Your Company Achieving the Full Value of BYOD?

Robert Metcalfe popularized the idea of the “network effect,” where the value of a network grows exponentially in proportion to the number of users and things on that network. Many people these days wonder if this principle applies to the “bring your own device” (BYOD) trend—where the complexity of…