Jump into virtual reality provision with the cloud

Virtual reality is getting a lot of play at the moment. It’s the hot topic in the gaming world and is now gaining traction in video. So how can you roll out the VR features consumers demand – quickly and at low cost? Virtual reality is enjoying rapid growth, and it looks set to have a transformative…

Game on!!!

This weekend, I evinced a big change in my youngest daughter. She emerged from her summer couch potato cocoon and blossomed into an active youngster chasing after fictional creatures in natural sunlight. Within 2 days of its launch, Pokémon Go had number of users almost at par with Twitter, the popu…

The Future as Told by Pokémon Go

Granted. I’m among those who enjoy hearing about the weekly Pokémon Go Darwin Award Winners, including such feats as walking oblivious into traffic and wandering into inescapable caves. That being said, I think that Niantic is on the cutting edge with this augmented reality game that is taking the…

Summertime and the viewin’ is easy (depending on your broadband connection)

Summer is my time to play catch up with TV. There is a huge list of TV shows and movies that will be streamed on Netflix and Hulu from the past year. Netflix may even allow you to download its videos, according to recent news. Over a gigabyte of data is consumed to watch an hour of “Game of Thrones”…

Experience Robots, Flying Objects, and Shooting Stars in Virtual Reality 

Did you know that about 60 years ago, “Sensorama” the first virtual reality (VR) machine was invented by Morton Heilig?  And 50 years ago, the first VR and augmented reality HMD (head-mounted display) was created by Ivan Sutherland. [Source: Timeline of Virtual Reality]. Today, virtual reality techn…

Boom! Five Applications that Showed Explosive Growth in 2015

We’re always on the lookout for the next big application to drive Internet traffic. When we see a type of traffic almost doubling in a year, we put it on our watch list. Below are five that topped our watch list based on the most recent Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Complete Forecast. VIRTUA…