success hub

March 1, 2019


Concrete examples of “Transform,” anyone?

Since Partner Summit 2018 in Las Vegas, we’ve all been focused on how to Perform and Transform together. In my December blog, I expounded on Oliver’s main-stage announcement of Cisco Digital Navigator, sharing exciting results from the program pilot, and recommending that all of you now engage with…

February 7, 2019


Great Customer Experience, our promise to partners and customers

Go ahead, take a deep breath. It’s been a busy couple of months for Cisco, our ecosystem partners, and the customers we serve. One minute we’re in Las Vegas, rolling out products and plans at the Partner Summit. The next, we’re in Barcelona taking in the sights of a centuries-old city, talking about…

December 4, 2018


Transforming our Customer’s Experience Together

In my last blog, I communicated how customer expectations are rising, and as partners, we need to rise to the occasion too. Partners that understand and embrace this shift will step ahead and thrive in the years to come. During the weeks leading up to Partner Summit, the team and I talked to dozens…

December 12, 2016


How You Can Drive More Repeatable and Predictable Revenue in 2017

I’ve been putting my Amazon Echo through its paces lately. Its voice recognition service, Alexa, and I have established a pretty close relationship: “Alexa, call Uber”, “Alexa, buy How Far Can You Go? by John Maclean”, “Alexa, it’s a little chilly, raise the temperature to 70 degrees.” You get the i…

August 26, 2016


2 Simple Ways to Better Serve Your Customers

Turn off email alerts. Only accept meetings with an agenda. Take a morning to catch up after vacation. So simple yet so daunting. Serving our customers can feel the same way. We know what we should do but putting it into practice feels like the day after vacation (good intention to start your day ri…

August 11, 2016


Why I only buy Acura (and how it’s relevant to your sales and support strategy)

I bought my first Acura for two reasons: it was a good price and I trusted the seller. What made me fall in love with my Acura – and become a die hard loyalist to the brand – has absolutely nothing to do with the price, the sales guy, or any other practical reason one considers when buying a car, su…