social media
5 Nuggets to Make Sense of the Crazy World of Social Media
I presented at the BtoB Networking Breakfast (#BtoBNet) today and wanted to share my slides in this blog along with some food for thought based on my presentation: Not all social media participants will converse, comment or create. The Forrester social technographics ladder outlines 6 active social…
Headed to work to do some holiday shopping? Welcome to Cyber Monday.
Getting online — not just in line — to find the best deals. This holiday shopping season, brick-and-mortar stores are out to match e-commerce sites with the latest and deepest discounts, and even encourage in-store shoppers to buy online. About 85% of online retailers will offer special promotions o…
The Cisco Blogs Redesign
We redesigned and updated the blog incorporating many new features designed to improve the blogging experience! Here are some of the major changes you will notice as you explore the site: The banner is now at the top of every page, hover over the logo to select either the blogs homepage or…
8 Qualities for a Good Social Media Training Program
We’re curious… What do you look for when choosing social media training programs you will participate in? It can be daunting, given the variety of information, organizations, and strategies out in the socialphere. On top of that, learning methods and preferences are different for everyone, making i…
New ways to use the Web for the holidays.
From recipes to ride sharing, collaborative consumption is changing how we get and give. It’s almost time to buy the Thanksgiving turkey and pull out the Christmas lists. But as the Web explodes as a place many will go to shop, so are sites where we share what we have or do — and you can…
Collaborating thanks to my dog
The friend who inspired me to embrace social media does not follow me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. She follows me around the house.…