November 27, 2017


ROKRAT Reloaded

This post was authored by Warren Mercer, Paul Rascagneres and with contributions from Jungsoo An. Earlier this year, Talos published 2 articles concerning South Korean threats. The first one was about the use of a malicious HWP document which dropped downloaders used to retrieve malicious payloads o…

July 6, 2017


New KONNI Campaign References North Korean Missile Capabilities

This blog was authored by Paul Rascagneres Executive Summary We recently wrote about the KONNI Remote Access Trojan (RAT) which has been distributed by a small number of campaigns over the past 3 years. We have identified a new distribution campaign which took place on 4th July. The malware used in…

June 19, 2017


Delphi Used To Score Against Palestine

Executive Summary This blog was authored by Paul Rascagneres and Warren Mercer with contributions from Emmanuel Tacheau, Vanja Svajcer and Martin Lee. Talos continuously monitors malicious emails campaigns. We identified one specific spear phishing campaign launched against targets within Palestine,…

May 3, 2017


KONNI: A Malware Under The Radar For Years

Talos has discovered an unknown Remote Administration Tool that we believe has been in use for over 3 years. During this time it has managed to avoid scrutiny by the security community. The current version of the malware allows the operator to steal files, keystrokes, perform screenshots, and execut…

April 3, 2017


Introducing ROKRAT

This blog was authored by Warren Mercer and Paul Rascagneres with contributions from Matthew Molyett. Executive Summary A few weeks ago, Talos published research on a Korean MalDoc. As we previously discussed this actor is quick to cover their tracks and very quickly cleaned up their compromised hos…

August 25, 2015


Malware Meets SysAdmin – Automation Tools Gone Bad

This post was authored by Alex Chiu and Xabier Ugarte Pedrero. Talos recently spotted a targeted phishing attack with several unique characteristics that are not normally seen. While we monitor phishing campaigns used to distribute threats such as Dridex, Upatre, and Cryptowall, targeted phishing at…

December 22, 2014


Wi-Fi moves to real-time with VoWi-Fi

The recent release of the Cisco® Universal Wi-Fi solution for service providers is the industry’s first end-to-end solution with HD VoWi-Fi (Voice over Wi-Fi) as a key feature. This focus on Voice signals a significant turning point in the role of Wi-Fi in Mobile Network Operator Networks (MNOs). Up…

May 29, 2014


RATs in Your Data Center

News agencies like ABC News, CNN, and others have run stories on the FBI sting operation against more than 100 hackers who were involved in using and/or distributing the Blackshades RAT (articles in the hyperlinks for reference). For a mere US$40, a novice computer user can become a hacker and gain…