
November 8, 2018


Metamorfo Banking Trojan Keeps Its Sights on Brazil

This blog post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin, Warren Mercer, Paul Rascagneres, and Vitor Ventura. Executive Summary Financially motivated cybercriminals have used banking trojans for years to steal sensitive financial information from victims. They are often created to gather credit card informat…

July 3, 2018


Smoking Guns – Smoke Loader learned new tricks

Cisco Talos has been tracking a new version of Smoke Loader — a malicious application that can be used to load other malware — for the past several months following an alert from Cisco Advanced Malware Protection’s (AMP) Exploit Prevention engine. AMP successfully stopped the malware before it was a…

September 20, 2017


CCleaner Command and Control Causes Concern

This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin, Earl Carter, Warren Mercer, Matthew Molyett, Matthew Olney, Paul Rascagneres and Craig Williams. Note: This blog post discusses active research by Talos into a new threat. This information should be considered preliminary and will be updated as research c…

August 25, 2015


Malware Meets SysAdmin – Automation Tools Gone Bad

This post was authored by Alex Chiu and Xabier Ugarte Pedrero. Talos recently spotted a targeted phishing attack with several unique characteristics that are not normally seen. While we monitor phishing campaigns used to distribute threats such as Dridex, Upatre, and Cryptowall, targeted phishing at…

July 8, 2015


Ding! Your RAT has been delivered

This post was authored by Nick Biasini Talos is constantly observing malicious spam campaigns delivering various different types of payloads. Common payloads include things like Dridex, Upatre, and various versions of Ransomware. One less common payload that Talos analyzes periodically are Remote Ac…

April 2, 2014


Improving Email at Cisco Part 1 – The IT Technology Side

My personal email has 4 characteristics that drive me crazy: I get way too much email Most of my emails are a waste of time Emails carry the risk of, very rarely, nasty virus payloads (or link you to sites that have worse) Despite all this, I can’t live without email…