private cloud
Getting Comfortable With Cloud Native
Are you comfortable with the whole “Cloud Native” concept yet? If your (tech-savvy) neighbor wandered over to chat you up in the front yard and asked you about it, could you explain what it is? How it works? Why it matters? It’s OK if you couldn’t. Most people can’t. Oh they’re not admitting it, but…
Bring on the Most Modern and Connected Games
On Friday, billions of people will tune in to watch or listen to the start of the greatest sporting spectacle in the world. As a sports fan, I am excited to see the amazing performances to come, and already prepared with a box of tissues for when I’m brought to tears by the moving stories of the end…
Introducing Metapod 4.0 Now Powered by Red Hat
In September of 2014, Cisco announced its intent to acquire Metacloud. For those of us working at Metacloud, it was an exciting day. There were so many things we wanted to do to create the ultimate Private Cloud as a Service offer that would delight our customers by removing the complexities of depl…
Managed Cloud: Your Best Cloud Native Choice
Today, organizations have many choices in how they architect their data centers and network. Innovative companies are increasingly taking a bimodal approach to IT. A bimodal approach combines Mode 1—Traditional IT focused on “doing IT right” and optimizing price-for-performance with Mode 2—Agile IT…
Red Hat Summit 2016: What You May Have Missed
In case you missed the Red Hat Summit in San Francisco, it was most certainly an event well-worth attending …. there was even a wedding! Yes, that is not a typo. During the second day general session, Red Hat held an actual wedding ceremony. If you needed any tangible sign to convince yourself of th…
Can Private Cloud Benefit Genome Researchers?
First off, let me put forth a disclaimer: I know next-to-nothing about genomics. I don’t know the names of the institutions involved in it, I don’t know who funds it, who is making major breakthroughs, how to use the industry lingo, or what the latest findings have been. But I do know this: Organiza…
Red Hat Summit and Cisco OpenStack-Based On-Premises Clouds
Next week I will be attending the Red Hat Summit 2016 in San Francisco, along with a number of my Cisco colleagues. I am looking forward to discussing with attendees and Cisco partners the latest cloud trends and specifically their interest in OpenStack, associated use cases and their thoughts about…
When you need complete privacy: An on-premises private cloud
Do you dream of keeping your data under a lock and key that only you control? Or are you trying to appease regulations, whether corporate or government mandated? Organizations should not fear the auditor more than the attacker. While many have come to adopt the cloud, there are cases where it might…
Meeting the Challenge of Reselling Cloud Services
Today’s Guest Blog comes to us courtesy of Steve Vicinanza, CEO of Cirrity. As a reseller, your customers depend on you to fully qualify and carefully select the products and services you recommend. This is especially true when you resell cloud computing services, which establish a dependency betwee…