Making Programmable Networks Easier to Achieve (and for Free!)
The “P” in EPN stands for “Programmable,” as in “Evolved Programmable Network” and Cisco has just made the “P” easier to achieve to help drive services to the cloud. We’ve now contributed Basic ConfD, a free version of our powerful ConfD by Tail-f management agent software to the networking industry…
“Standing Room Only” in the Service Provider Booth at Cisco Live Milan 2015
Written by Igor Dayen, SP Product and Solutions Marketing If you had a chance to join us at Cisco Live Milan last month, thank you very much for making this another exciting event for all of us. If you missed out being there in person, let me give you a brief summary of the highlights. Milan is the…
Summary: Top 10 ICT Trends in 2015: are you ready for digital transformation?
By Kevin Bloch, Cisco Chief Technology Officer, Australia and New Zealand One of the best parts about my job is that I get to spend a lot of time listening to some very smart people, both internally within Cisco and externally. As we touch so many parts of the global technology industry and market,…
Milan, Please Meet Open Network Architecture for Service Providers
By Igor Dayen, SP Product and Solutions Marketing When I look at the sky, I see an infinite number of stars. It is a moment of inspiration when I gaze at the sky in hope of spotting something miraculous. Looking at the Telecom industry and its new innovations, I feel the same. A new star is rising…
SDN and NFV Use Cases in EPN
My last post reviewed some of the building blocks of SDN (Software Defined Networking) and positioned the protocols and APIs (Application Programming Interface) into categories so that the multitude of technologies associated with SDN can be positioned in a coherent framework. This month I’d like to…
RST Fiber’s High-speed Network powered by Cisco’s Evolved Programmable Network
By Gina Nienaber, Marketing Manager We’ve been discussing the Evolved Programmable Network for some time now, knowing the transition from an IP NGN to an EPN is not something that will happen overnight (See EPN Blogs 1 , 2, 3). The Cisco® Evolved Programmable Network (EPN), represents an idea, an en…
Part 2 – SDN Questions to Ask at the Gartner Data Center Conference
As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, last week I attended the Gartner Data Center Conference in London. I came out of the conference with some questions I asked and some questions I wish I had asked! So if you are attending the Gartner Data Center Conference in Las Vegas, USA, this week, here…
SDN Questions to Ask at the Gartner Data Center Conference
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Gartner Data Center conference in London. I attended 3 different sessions on SDN-related topics. Here are some of my observations from what was a very good conference. Also, since the Gartner Data Center conference runs this week (w/c 1 December 2014…
Cisco SPotlight Series – The Year Ahead in Mobility
To address many questions about mobility, I am delighted to share with you our point-of-view through our “Cisco SPotlight Series,” an ongoing course of videos in which we answer questions and provide commentary on many hot topics in the service provider industry. In this latest video, I reveal what…