
November 1, 2013


Deep Dive: Mobility Services APIs (with Sample Code!)

Last week, my colleague Rajiv walked you through an overview of how our Mobility Services API now supports REST based APIs. As a developer for the Mobility Services Engine (MSE) team, I am very excited about this update because it means that it will be easier for developers to create apps using the…

October 30, 2013


Cisco CMX Solution In Action at the Internet of Things World Forum

Today’s events at the IoT World Forum included a very interesting keynote address by Cisco’s CEO John Chambers, as well as some exciting breakout sessions. Leading business executives shared their ideas and visions, which in turn are shaping IoT across their industries. It’s been a special tre…

October 30, 2013


Deploying, Testing, and Tuning 802.11ac

By now you’ve probably heard quite a bit about the newest generation of Wi-Fi, 802.11ac.  I’ll save you the gory details, just know it’s about 3x faster than 802.11n and will help to improve the capacity of your network. Jameson Blandford and I were recently guests on the No Strings Attached Show po…

October 28, 2013


The Future of Monetizing Mobility

By the end of this year, the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the number of people on earth. As mobile device exponentially grows around the globe, the Internet of Everything (IoE) is driving even more relevant connections – reaching people and processes in new and unique ways. Service…

October 23, 2013


Honesty is the Best BYOD Policy

Does BYOD really mean that my device will become the company’s device? Do I control my private data or does my employer? How can I make sure I maintain a work-life balance when my personal device is also my work device? Will my company support any device I choose? Some of these questions might seem…

October 23, 2013


The Internet of Everything and the Digital Industrial Economy

As we continue to progress toward an Internet of Everything (IoE) digital world, organizations will need to think strategically about IT budgets and smart spending in order to keep pace with the changing landscape. CEO’s want a flexible, adaptable enterprise, and IT needs to deliver “fast IT” for th…

October 22, 2013


An Internet of Everything Startup Spotlight: Alex Hawkinson, Founder & CEO, SmartThings

Last month I kicked off a new series focusing on companies and start-ups that are helping to move the Internet of Everything (IoE) forward. Today, I am excited to share some insights from Alex Hawkinson, founder of SmartThings, a platform for automating connected objects. Alex shares an interesting…

October 22, 2013


Deep Dive: Major User Interface Transformation in CMX 7.6

You read about the three flavors of analytics we offer with the Connected Mobile Experiences solution last week. One of the key innovations Evyatar discussed is the a completely transformed user interface for onsite analytics, so I want to give you all a closer look at exactly what enhancements are…

October 21, 2013


Mobile Devices Will Transform Your Business IT

There’s no question that more people around the world are connecting to wireless networks at home, work and play via mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. This rise in mobile device usage begs the question: How soon will it be (if not already) before these mobile devices dominate the mobi…