
Making the Internet of Things a reality

The term ‘Internet of Things’ means many things to many people. To some it’s the future: an ideal for the shape of things to come. To others it’s just a buzzword, an idea that’s a long way from coming true. But thanks to new technologies, the future’s a lot closer than you think. And it’s all about…

Voice over Wi-Fi’s value to service providers and users

Voice over Wi-Fi (VoWi-Fi) is a relatively new technology that’s already had a good reception from mobile network operators. And that’s because it fixes one of the top issues of your customers: poor mobile reception indoors. Here’s a quick overview: Solving problems at h…

From Telecom operators to consumers: How to benefit from ‘free’ Wi-Fi

In today’s highly-developed and ultra-competitive telecommunications markets, there is a widespread expectation among consumers that they should be able to access Wi-Fi for free wherever they are – from cafes and bars to airports, shopping centres, sports venues and public transport. In this era of…

August 15, 2016


5 Features To Consider When Buying a Top of Rack Switch

I was playing Pokémon GO the other day, and I realized how new technologies and applications are being launched every day, rapidly reshaping how we connect, play, and live. Technologies that were only dreams a few years ago, are now made into reality one after one in incredibly short amount of time,…

August 15, 2016


CDO and CIO: Partners in Digital Transformation

CDO and CIO: Partners in Digital Transformation Kevin Bandy, SVP and Chief Digital Officer, Cisco We recently hosted the largest Cisco Live! ever, with more than 28,000 attendees on hand in Las Vegas. The theme was digital transformation. We focused on how Cisco’s latest innovations and acquisitions…

Proving it with Vodafone UK

Self-Optimizing Networks (SON) is not a new term and it has been thrown around for some time within the industry. Distributed SON (D-SON) is now active in many service providers’ radio networks having first been standardized in 3GPP release 8 (2008). Distributed SON, however, runs at the very edge o…

Let’s Talk Simply About SD-WANs, Shall We?

If “talk nerdy to me” were to be elevated to an art form, then at Cisco, we’re Rembrandt! Following a recent article suggesting that our naming convention(s) for our line of Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) is confusing — I’d go so far as to say “drowning in six-letter acronyms and…

July 22, 2016


Cisco is Powering #ConnectedConventions

This past week, the Republican National Convention took place in Cleveland and on Monday, the Democratic National Convention will kick off in Philadelphia. During this time, both cities are transformed, with thousands of political leaders and eager participants flying in from around the country to c…

July 12, 2016


Innovation Is Thriving at Cisco

In an earlier blog, I shared my excitement around the opportunity for Cisco to transform ourselves and our customers. This enthusiasm was based on our ability to unleash digital capabilities and innovation across the company. After meeting with hundreds of customers over the past year to help them r…