Maciej Kranz
Pursue Real IoT Solutions, not Big White Whales
The search for the “next big thing” in technology has almost taken on mythic proportions. Just as Captain Ahab became obsessed with his pursuit of the elusive white whale in Moby Dick, it’s easy to get caught up in pursuing big solutions and big technology. But that is not necessarily the path to su…
IoT and the Environment: Making It Easier To Be Green
To celebrate the launch last week of my book, Building the Internet of Things, I am taking a short break from my current series on my “Recipe for IoT Success” to offer an excerpt from the book: We are all aware of the environmental challenges facing both the developing and developed worlds. Pollute…
The Internet of Things Is About People, Not Just Things
Every major technology and business transition affects both process and people. Job roles change, some jobs are eliminated, and new jobs are created. The transition to the Internet of Things (IoT) is no different. While automation and more efficient processes may eliminate some jobs, IoT is creating…
Securing the Internet of Things Is Everybody’s Responsibility
For the past couple of weeks, security and the Internet of Things (IoT) have been in the news like never before. During the first few days after the massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on domain name service Dyn, I almost couldn’t look at a news outlet without seeing or hearing a dis…
How to Get Started on the IoT Journey: Four Fast Paths to Payback
As I said in my last blog, implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) is a journey, not a one-time event. And like every journey, it begins with a single step. Over the last few years, I have met with dozens of customers across the world and in every industry. Believe it or not, many of them have not…
Generation IoT: The Key to Business Survival in the 21st Century
“The only constant is change.” It’s an adage that goes back 2500 years to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. But never has it been as true as it is today. Technology adoption is growing exponentially, driving change at a dizzying pace. Billions of devices are connecting to networks—most of them the s…
These Boots Were Made For Walking: A New Look at the Path to IoT Success
Last year, I wrote a series of blogs exploring the various technology and business factors to keep in mind while considering an Internet of Things (IoT) deployment. Since then, IoT has continued to accelerate its drive toward transformational change across industries. And I have continued to log in…
No Vacation for Innovation
Last week I was pleased to be part of a Cisco celebration of home-grown innovation. Our first-ever Party on the Patio showcased strategic innovations, underscoring that there’s no vacation for innovation this year at Cisco. The event included food, music, games, giveaways, and hands-on demos o…
Welcome to the Co-Economy: There’s Never Been a Better Time
The world has never been more connected, and there’s never been a better opportunity for co-innovation, co-development, co-marketing, and even co-funding. The time is right for the co-economy—a trend that is reshaping how we work, live, and conduct business. Granted, some aspects of the co-economy h…