December 1, 2016


The New Digital Deal: How retailers are transforming online shopping experiences and transactions

I need to preface this blog with a full disclosure statement. I love shopping! And apparently I am not alone in my affinity for all things retail. Let’s face it, many people enjoy the thrill of acquiring a new “bright shiny thing” or the high of getting a deal on something you need. However, the inc…

November 30, 2016


IoT and the Environment: Making It Easier To Be Green

To celebrate the launch last week of my book, Building the Internet of Things, I am taking a short break from my current series on my “Recipe for IoT Success” to offer an excerpt from the book: We are all aware of the environmental challenges facing both the developing and developed worlds. Pollute…

November 21, 2016


Digital Impact to Public Works & Utilities

As new discoveries emerge and simplify our lives, human beings stop pushing the boundaries once their needs have been fulfilled. Take the light bulb for instance. Whether in the home or on the street, there is no denying the impact this device has had on life as we know it. But we have only recently…

November 21, 2016


Building the Internet of Things:  A How-To Book on IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the most talked-about technology trends over the past few years. Yet many customers remain confused. Line-of-business managers don’t really care that much about the technology behind billions of connections. They care about business outcomes. They aren’…

November 18, 2016


Okay, but what are you trying to do?

Going Digital, Digitization, The Digital Experience are all terms being thrown around these days and I am often asked “what does that really mean?”.  While the industry has done an amazing job of creating new buzz words, it is hard for the everyday technologist to link them to anything practical.  W…

November 17, 2016


The Internet of Things Is About People, Not Just Things

Every major technology and business transition affects both process and people. Job roles change, some jobs are eliminated, and new jobs are created. The transition to the Internet of Things (IoT) is no different. While automation and more efficient processes may eliminate some jobs, IoT is creating…

November 16, 2016


Improving Public Safety through Digital Transformation

Today, cities are experiencing population growth and socioeconomic and political shifts that change the requirements necessary for protecting residents, physical infrastructure and city data. Public safety is a highly visible metric for which city officials are judged on quality of leadership and as…

November 15, 2016


A Powerful Platform to Drive Smart Outcomes in Cities

Cisco is not only one of the first organizations to have discerned the trends leading to the need for “smart city” strategies, it is also uniquely prepared to provide the smart solutions to city challenges. Cisco comes at smart cities, infrastructure up, building on its three decades of rock-solid n…

November 14, 2016


How Programmable Networks are Enabling the Internet of Things

Smartphones may have become ubiquitous, but the demand for internet connections shows no sign of slowing down. In fact, the opposite is true: the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly boosting the number of devices that need a connection. The growth of IoT presents a real opportunity for…