Making the Roads Safer Through the Internet of Everything

Over a decade ago, I started thinking about what life would be like with connected cars. Erratic drivers, speeding tickets and unfavorable weather could be avoided while driving. I read an article recently that takes a more in-depth look at the future of connected driving titled, Big Data: When Cars…

Five Truths about the Internet of Everything

I’ve been spending a lot of time talking and thinking about a world in which everything is connected.  The Internet of Everything isn’t some futuristic Idea that we are dreaming about, it’s charging forward at incredible speed and everything is being connected.  I’d like to look at five characterist…

The Evolution of Customer Experience: Synchronicity!

I love shopping. I love traveling. I hate going to the hospital. I sometimes like going to the bank (only if it involves the depositing a large check). On the surface, it may seem that there’s no common thread about each of these experiences, however, there actually is a lot in common! Each of these…

Riding the Internet of Everything Wave

Last week I attended the Consumerization of IT in the Enterprise (CITE) expo in San Francisco – home of delicious seafood and great surfing. At the conference I had a chance to talk about the changing tide of IT and how we can prepare for the next big swell. Throughout history there are moments in t…

June 9, 2013


Data Visualized: IT Perceptions of the Internet of Things

A few weeks ago Cisco released the Global IT Impact Survey.  For this survey we interviewed over 1300 IT professionals across 13 countries, at all ages of their careers – those in their 20s all the way through those over 60. We had people from many different industries – education, const…

How to Wear the Internet of Everything

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” ― Coco Chanel I’ve always loved this quote by French fashion designer and founder of the Chanel brand. It reminds me of the old adage – we a…

Connecting parents and children with the Internet of Everything

Overnight trips when both of my kids were younger were hard. Wishing them goodnight over the phone. Sending postcards. But I always wished there was a way to stay connected with them while I was away. I read an interesting article on GigaOM by Stacey Higginbotham entitled, Hey parents! The internet…

Securing the Internet of Everything: An Architectural View

As a follow up to my introductory blog on Securing the Internet of Everything, I would like to discuss further the security implications that will comprise proposed framework. As the applications of the IoT/M2M affect our daily lives, whether it is in the Industrial Control, Transportation, Smartgri…

May 31, 2013


Cisco Messages on Hannover Messe Part 3 – That knowing look between ODVA and Cisco

Adrienne Meyer, ODVA, Manager of Member Services and Guy Denis, Business Development Manager at Cisco Systems, explain the value and integration that Cisco brings to ODVA for the past decade at Hannover Messe 2013. Here is the third and final installment from the recent Cisco presence at Hanover Mes…