Summary: Next Gen IT Predictions: 2014 and Beyond
2014 will be a year that builds on the momentum of mobile, cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IoE). How can your organization realize value from today’s new model for IT? Here’s my take on the trends we will see over the next twelve months: Increasing urgency to man…
Next Gen IT Predictions: 2014 and Beyond
In my travels, I am fortunate to see new and interesting innovations, emerging technologies and trends. Of course, the growth of mobile and cloud technologies continues to shape our work and lives. 2014 will be a year that builds on the momentum of these trends, along with IoT, with more connected p…
Security Realities of IoT (Internet of Things)
Are you a security professional or IT professional just resolving the security issues with BYOD (bring-your-own-device)? Watch out, BYOD was a precursor or warm up exercise to the tsunami just hitting your shores now. The SANS Institute just completed a survey on the security viewpoints on IoT, pred…
The IoE-Ready Retailer: Connecting Sellers and Shoppers Like Never Before
We live in a time of tremendous and challenging technological disruptions. Yet it is also a time when the opportunities for business transformation are equally vast and impactful. This is particularly true for the retail industry. The wave of change, which Cisco calls the Internet of Everything (IoE…
My Top 7 Predictions for Open Source in 2014
My 2014 predictions are finally complete. If Open Source equals collaboration or credibility, 2013 has been nothing short of spectacular. As an eternal optimist, I believe 2014 will be even better: Big data’s biggest play will be in meatspace, not cyberspace. There is just so much data we produc…
Ready for the Next Phase Of The Smart Grid?
One of the greatest changes taking place today in the energy industry is the increased need for information from every aspect of the grid. Utilities need detailed data to meet regulatory requirements and to understand the grid’s condition on a granular level. They need to understand the grid’s condi…
Data Driven Platforms to Support IoT, SDN, and Cloud
More and more enterprises are managing distributed infrastructures and applications that need to share data. This data sharing can be viewed as data flows that connect (and flow through) multiple applications. Applications are partly managed on-premise, and partly in (multiple) off-premise clouds. C…
At CES, Glitzy Wearables, Snazzy Smart Cars, and, Yes, Trash Cans
Walking the miles of aisles at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, it’s easy to see how the Internet of Everything (IoE) is revolutionizing our lives. Super-smart homes, cars, drones, and all manner of entertainment are on display seemingly everywhere, along with a mind-boggling a…
With IoE and a Smartphone, You Can Shop Like a Superhero
Superheroes and their super strengths have long captured our imaginations. And since many of these abilities are normal human traits stretched to a magical extreme, you may well have pictured how your own life would change with super speed, agility, or senses. Today, such daydreams are getting just…