Fame and Fortune Awaits: The Cisco IoT Security Grand Challenge

Despite its overwhelming business benefits, the Internet of Things (IoT) also significantly increases security risks, via a dramatic increase in attack surface and diversity of potential threats.  And since IoT is a significant component of the larger Internet of Everything (IoE) market transition t…

How the Internet of Everything Will Shape the Next 25 Years of Internet History

This week marks the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web, an important milestone as we look at how far we’ve come and how the Internet of Everything (IoE) is shaping our future. Developed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN, the Web was borne from the need to keep track of complex, large-…

Ask The #IoE Futurist: “Will the future of battery technology prohibit the advancement of computers or technology in g …

In my role as Cisco’s Chief Futurist, I get many questions about what the future holds and how new technology and emerging solutions will change our lives. Given the positive feedback and the volume of questions being submitted from the community around the first series, I’ve decided to do another s…

March 7, 2014


Open Source is just the other side, the wild side!

March is a rather event-laden month for Open Source and Open Standards in networking: the 89th IETF, EclipseCon 2014, RSA 2014, the Open Networking Summit, the IEEE International Conference on Cloud (where I’ll be talking about the role of Open Source as we morph the Cloud down to Fog computing) and…

Making Smarter Manufacturing and IoT a Reality Today

Recently, Lopez Research published a white paper entitled Building Smarter Manufacturing with the Internet of Things (IoT). It is a worthwhile read especially for industrial and manufacturing companies as they wrestle with the implications of IoT for the factory floor and beyond.  The paper describe…

March 5, 2014


IoE’s Promise for the Public Sector

Internet of Everything (IoE) is touted as the next big thing in 2014. Tech pundits, Silicon Valley executives, entrepreneurs and government officials predict that Internet of Everything will be a “multi-trillion dollar business,” which has the potential to transform our physical world with a variety…

Observations from Mobile World Congress 2014

I have just returned from a very interesting and jammed-packed week at Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona. More than 75,000 people were estimated to have attended this year’s MWC, and its fabulous new conference facilities proved a great place to celebrate the industry’s accomplishments and cat…

IoT at Mobile World Conference with Cisco and SAP

Wow, that was one heck of a week.  MWC 2014 is over, but, it was incredible.  The show was packed, the collaboration with customers was dynamic and, once again, Barcelona was a fantastic host.  For me though, it was also a clear statement that the Internet of Things (IoT) is exciting and gaining ste…

February 28, 2014


No matter how harsh is your work environment, Cisco has you covered

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” – Popular US Postal Service motto Many of my US colleagues have told me that they grew up hearing the phrase above and thinking how reliable their mail service is, even unde…