IOS XR, Networking without Compromise
When discussing next-generation architectures with our Service Provider customers, I am often asked how they can have silicon diversity for roles in their network, but maintain common operational model, carrier-class features and performance. The IOS XR offers just that. It runs on Cisco and mercha…
Advancing your programmability journey with latest IOS XR innovations
I’m happy to welcome NANOG (October 2-4, 2017) back to Cisco’s hometown, San Jose. It’s only the fourth time in its history that NANOG is hosting its major event here—the last time was in 2008. Cisco has always been a strong supporter of NANOG, and again we’re all in. Let me give you some insight in…
Spring PONC -Three Game Changers!
I’m guilty of missing the past few Cisco Packet Optical Networking Conferences (PONC), but I’m very pleased that I was able to attend the most recent one in Richardson, Texas. More than 150 customers, partners and industry analysts were present and several contributed to the event presentations. In…
Segment Routing, fundamental to make your network SDN-ready!
Once again, MPLS World Congress 2017 proves to be a major event for the Networking industry and a key milestone for Segment Routing debates between vendors and customers. Industry at large is backing up Segment Routing: we are seeing adoption across all customer market segments – Telcos, Web Provid…
OFC 2017: Challenge Your Thinking on DCI
The Data Center Interconnect (DCI) segment can be a difficult one to analyze across equipment vendors. Over-the-Top (OTT) providers are not always eager to advertise the architectures of their newest data centers, describe their DCI strategy or their vendor choice(s). Telcos similarly are either bui…
Cisco Containerized, Virtualized IOS XR Software Continues to Move the Industry Forward
As we head to MPLS + SDN + NFV World Congress this week, I’m reminded of conversations I have with Service Providers all the time. They tell me how they need complete solutions to meet their business needs, not just a slice of a technology stack. They tell me they want software that supports an en…
How much time do you need to on-board a new device in your network?
Co-written with Patrick Warichet, Technical Marketing Engineer I’ve been asking that question to many Service Providers and I’ve always got unclear answers. Either they don’t have the answer handy or they don’t really want to share this insight fearing to be compared with their peers … Without discl…
Cloud Scale Networking, Finding Common Ground
We launched Cloud Scale Networking about a year ago to address the initial wave of software and hardware innovations that were built to enable co-development with Web Scale companies. Last July I offered my views on how Service Providers can thrive in the future. Since that time I have had the privi…
Oh, How Far We’ve Come in Building Cloud-Scale Networking
It’s been a year since I wrote this blog detailing our software innovations aimed at helping Service Providers address the ever-increasing challenges imposed by digitization. IOS XR for cloud-scale networking has really taken flight since then and I am proud to share with you some highlights from th…