Linux Containers
The Why, What, and How of App Hosting on Routers
What if every time you wanted to roll out an app, you didn’t need to figure out what new computer/server you were going to put it on? What if I told you that there were compute resources built into your network? And, what if I told you they even had access to serial ports for IoT devices? Shall we t…
Cisco Containerized, Virtualized IOS XR Software Continues to Move the Industry Forward
As we head to MPLS + SDN + NFV World Congress this week, I’m reminded of conversations I have with Service Providers all the time. They tell me how they need complete solutions to meet their business needs, not just a slice of a technology stack. They tell me they want software that supports an en…
Container Networking is in full bloom at ONUG Spring 2016
It’s Spring and that means the IT events season is in full bloom. The calendar at that time of the year is packed and we are looking forward to ONUG (Open Networking User Group) Spring 2016. The event will be at held at Intuit’s headquarter in Mountain View, CA from May 9-11, 2016. It&…
Bring Application Intent to Networking Containers
Yesterday, Mike Cohen’s post Networking Containers: Policy Finally Comes of Age appeared on the Open Networking User Group blog site. He talks about the tremendous interest among application developers to use Linux containers to develop, deploy, and operate applications. Containers and micro…
Top 3 Ways New ACI Innovations Improve Your Data Center
Yesterday, Cisco announced a new software release for ACI. If you are looking to automate IT, or build out your cloud environment, and want to do so in an open fashion that provides a lot of flexibility – then you’ll probably be interested. Why? The new ACI release: Makes managing and securin…
usNIC inside Linux containers
Linux containers, as a lighter virtualization alternative to virtual machines, are gaining momentum. The High Performance Computing (HPC) community is eyeing Linux containers with interest, hoping that they can provide the isolation and configurability of Virtual Machines, but without the performanc…
Cisco ACI Policy Model spans Physical, Virtual and Container based environments
I find Linux containers among the most fascinating technology trends of recent past. Containers couple lightweight, high performance isolation and security with the ability to easily package services and deploy them in a flexible and scalable way. Many companies find these value-props compelling eno…