Cisco and Ansible Team up to Demonstrate How to Manage Cloud-Scale Networks
We’ve talked about how Cisco is helping network operators leverage the tools of the data center to better manage the network. To show a real world example of this a few weeks back Cisco and Ansible teamed up for SDx Demo Friday. We showed how to manage large-scale networks using Cisco IOS XR applica…
The Evolution of IOS XR with Cloud Scale Application Hosting
Before Apple came out with the iPhone’s iOS, there was Cisco IOS—the original Internetworking Operating System. The two operating systems serve different purposes; however, the concept of applications is becoming more of a similarity. Developments in Cisco IOS XR, a carrier grade train of IOS, beg…
Model Driven Telemetry Straight from the Experts
There continues to be a lot of talk about automation and orchestration for carrier-grade workloads. However, these technologies can’t be fully leveraged until proper telemetry can be implemented. To shed some light on progress we’re making in delivering on network telemetry for we recently hosted a…
Bringing Consistent Automation Across Cisco Nexus and Catalyst with Ansible 2.1
We had a busy week around the middle of July with ChefConf 2016 (Austin, Texas July 11 – 13) and Cisco Live US (Las Vegas, Nevada July 10 – 14). Now we’re moving on to AnsibleFest July 28 San Francisco where Cisco is a Gold sponsor as well as a Networking Hub sponsor. I guess the good news this ti…
Streaming Telemetry with Google Protocol Buffers
In a recent blog on “Why You Should Care About Model-Driven Telemetry”, I reviewed the need for streaming telemetry and the high-level architecture that makes it possible. Today I’m going to drill down on some specific design choices we made in order to quickly export large amounts of data. Tell Me…
Why You Should Care About Model-Driven Telemetry
Co-written with Frederic Trate, Sr. Marketing Manager Let me start by asking you a couple questions: Does your network grow in size and complexity every year? Are you still largely operating your network manually? Do frequent customer complaints make you wonder if you really know what’s going on in…
Model-driven Programmability: The Rise of Network Automation
Software automation and data analytics are changing the face of computer networks. They are radically transforming how networks are built and operated. We are rapidly moving away from a world where a network operator manages tenths of network devices. Instead, one individual can deploy and manage h…
Telemetry & Gaining Web Scale Operational Efficiency – Is it a Myth or Reality?
We can’t express how excited we were when Cisco was asked to sponsor and participate in an independent event, hosted by Tech Field Day, which invited experts from NetFlix, Google, eBay, and SignalFX to discuss the technical challenges some of these web scale providers face and the innovations they h…
Software Innovations for Cloud Scale Networking
Back in 2011, web pioneer Marc Andreessen wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, entitled “Why software is eating the world”. I couldn’t agree more! First, let’s have a look at what’s going on in the industry at large. Every company in every vertical industry is facing unprecedented competitive…