Cisco Knowledge Network
The Evolution of IOS XR with Cloud Scale Application Hosting
Before Apple came out with the iPhone’s iOS, there was Cisco IOS—the original Internetworking Operating System. The two operating systems serve different purposes; however, the concept of applications is becoming more of a similarity. Developments in Cisco IOS XR, a carrier grade train of IOS, beg…
DDOS Attacks: Protecting your Network Infrastructure
Following the sophisticated and highly distributed attack involving tens of millions of IP addresses this past week, the concept of DDoS protection is on the forefront of network administrators and operator’s minds alike. While the nature and source of the attack is under investigation, understandi…
Model Driven Telemetry Straight from the Experts
There continues to be a lot of talk about automation and orchestration for carrier-grade workloads. However, these technologies can’t be fully leveraged until proper telemetry can be implemented. To shed some light on progress we’re making in delivering on network telemetry for we recently hosted a…
Cisco and Intel team up to make SDN easy for Service Creation
If you missed the April 28th Cisco Knowledge Network (CKN) webinar, you missed a very special event (but, don’t worry we provide the link below to the replay for all those who did register). Cisco Knowledge Network is an ongoing series of webinars for our customers and other interested people. Typic…