NCS 1000

Spring PONC -Three Game Changers!

I’m guilty of missing the past few Cisco Packet Optical Networking Conferences (PONC), but I’m very pleased that I was able to attend the most recent one in Richardson, Texas.  More than 150 customers, partners and industry analysts were present and several contributed to the event presentations. In…

OFC 2017: Challenge Your Thinking on DCI

The Data Center Interconnect (DCI) segment can be a difficult one to analyze across equipment vendors. Over-the-Top (OTT) providers are not always eager to advertise the architectures of their newest data centers, describe their DCI strategy or their vendor choice(s). Telcos similarly are either bui…

Paving a Path to Success for Service Provider at Cisco Live Berlin 2016

We are faced with challenges and driven by opportunities. Our job at Cisco Live Berlin was to show and demonstrate how we: Enable providers to generate new revenue: New service offerings with rich, personalized experiences optimized to each screen and environment with data and insights from all sou…

February 1, 2016


Cisco Service Provider is Bringing Cloud Scale Networking to Cisco Live Berlin

Cisco Live Berlin 2016 is almost here and we would like to highlight a few key points that this event can bring your way. As you know networks are an essential part of business, education, government, and home communications. Every company in every vertical industry is facing unprecedented competiti…