Midland County, Texas Builds Library of the Future
Technology is a wonderful thing, at least in my opinion; especially when it’s used to inspire creativity, knowledge and to make learning fun and interactive. New and interactive technologies inspired the Midland County Library in Texas to change people’s perceptions of what a library can and should…
Innovation is Standard at Idaho Education Network
For the last four or five years, I’ve watched as the Idaho Education Network (IEN) has implemented and reaped the benefits from their distance education program and use of video conferencing, or telepresence. To this day, they continue to improve on success, and during a session at ISTE 2013 last we…
The Internet of Everything…A Small World After All?
It’s summertime. For most people, the warmer temps and holiday weekends are the perfect excuse for a vacation. But have you ever traveled to an amusement park or exotic destination only to wait in line for hours for the hottest ride or trendiest restaurant? Or perhaps your coolness factor would skyr…
What Do CEOs Care About in a Hyper-Connected World?
If you think we already live in a connected world (and we do!), get ready to fasten your seatbelts. Today, there are “only” about 10 billion connected “things” on the planet. This includes hundreds of millions of people communicating with one another in myriad ways, and a rapid increase in two-way c…
BYOD: The Newer-Better-Faster Edge You Need in Retail and Consumer Products
In the fast-changing, thin-margin world of consumer products, new winners and losers are created every day. Speed of innovation, time-to-market, and employee productivity can mean the difference between the next hot trend and a warehouse full of excess inventory. Success in the highly competitive co…
Five Truths about the Internet of Everything
I’ve been spending a lot of time talking and thinking about a world in which everything is connected. The Internet of Everything isn’t some futuristic Idea that we are dreaming about, it’s charging forward at incredible speed and everything is being connected. I’d like to look at five characterist…
Riding the Internet of Everything Wave
Last week I attended the Consumerization of IT in the Enterprise (CITE) expo in San Francisco – home of delicious seafood and great surfing. At the conference I had a chance to talk about the changing tide of IT and how we can prepare for the next big swell. Throughout history there are moments in t…
Disruptive Times Call for Positive, Innovation Change Agents
The online rebel jam is a joint effort of Rebels at Work, and Corporate Rebels United and being sponsored by Cisco IBSG, who is contributing both speakers and the WebEx collaboration and communication platform that enables this global virtual event. It’s easy to be an innovator and entrepreneur in…
New Analysis: Comprehensive BYOD Implementation Increases Productivity, Decreases Costs
The growth of connected devices is impacting enterprises worldwide. The key to unlocking value, however, is shifting from the number of connected devices to the value of the connections themselves. We define a connection as the intersection of People, Process, Data, and Things—coming together to fo…