Work Smarter, More Intuitively at Cisco Collaboration Day
The rise of remote teams and open office floorplans is putting effective collaboration front and center. With the fall of the cubicle wall, I have recognized the greater power in teamwork – it does make the dream work, after all. How can teams work together more effectively in the modern workplace?…
5 Lessons from the 12 Habits of Heroes
12 months. 12 habits. It takes about 30 days to change a bad habit or start a good habit. That’s why I’m so glad that my team and I (that’s a total of 41 engineers) invested in the year-long process through Habits of Heroes that not only enhanced our ability to be able to better coach and mentor our…
Securing Solutions in the Race to Digital Transformation
When it comes to relevancy and competition in a digital era, do you have the tools and technologies to accelerate business growth? A better question – do you have flexibility when it comes to purchasing and paying for them? This year, U.S. businesses, nonprofits and government agencies will spend 1.…
Experience Design: Meeting User Needs, One Good Conversation at a Time
I’m proud to work with a diverse and talented team of people who comprise Cisco CHILL. Today, I’ve asked Whitney McGowan, our amazing user experience designer, to share what it means to design an experience focused on the user, not the technology. I’m a designer, so when asked to write I often expla…
How Tucker and the #DogsOfCisco Bring Joy to the Office
Most Mondays lack motivation. This particular Monday, after having woken up to our six year old English Shepherd mix Tucker pouncing on me, was not all that different. Until I sat down to check my emails and one caught my eye – Cisco RTP in Raleigh, NC had announced the approved buildings for the Do…
Stealthwatch a Cisco Champion Radio Podcast (S5|Ep.21)
In this episode, our Cisco Champion host Denise Donohue discusses Stealthwatch with TK Keanini and Sandeep Agrawal. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode in SoundCloud SUBSCRIBE on iTunes and listen to all episodes of Season 5 Listen to Seasons 1-4 in iTunes Cisco Champion Host Denise Donohue (…
Securing the Cloud: Assessing the Security of TLS
As more and more organizations move from self-hosted infrastructure to cloud-based environments, so too increases the demand to ensure that they are resilient and secure. As part of Cisco’s efforts to support our customers in making this change in a smooth and seamless fashion, we have been hard at…
At Cisco, Opportunities are Everywhere!
Prior to joining Cisco, I lived the start-up life for many years. What drew me to the start-up culture was the fact you can build and create new things all the time and work on different, exciting projects – my fear of losing that is what kept me away from companies like Cisco for so long. I wish I…
Cloud Developers are Using the Programmable Infrastructure to Open a World of Innovation and Business Transformation
In the past few years, we have seen a surge of advancement in cloud development. New platforms, developer tools, and cloud services have become available, and developers have responded by building innovative cloud-based applications, services, and businesses. In my opinion, we’ve only unleashed the…