How Cisco Employees Have Given Back to Me
Cisco employees share many similar qualities, but one that we all have is a road that led us to working for this wonderful company. Some have known and aspired to work for Cisco their entire life, while others (like myself) discovered Cisco during graduate school, and still there are some who never…
DevNet Celebrates 5 Years at Cisco Live
The upcoming DevNet Zone at Cisco Live in San Diego will be the 5th anniversary of our first DevNet Zone at Cisco Live. The first was in San Francisco in 2014. We had just started up DevNet the preceding January and made a last minute decision to get into the Cisco Live game. It was a tough and stee…
Finding My Way to Cisco as a Software Engineer
“What do you want to do when you grow up?” It’s a question we get asked frequently as children, and more and more as we near graduation from high school and college – when life starts closing in on the real world. My answer may not have been too romantic, “Pay my bills.” But that was my reality – an…
A Python Therapist is Born
Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Now, for those who don’t know Yogi Berra – he was a Hall of Fame catcher for the New York Yankees who won 10 World Series rings, the most of any player in history. Yogi’s advice, while often peculiar, seemed sound on this front.…
Every Day is the Right Day to Ask, “R U Ok?”
As a Collaboration Engineer a major part of what I do at Cisco is to empower people with the right tools to connect with each other, conduct business, and have an open communication channel. It gives me a sense of contentment that we at Cisco get to help our customers in such ways, and that communic…
A Webex Wedding
When you have a globally dispersed team, sometimes celebrating life’s moments means you have to do things a little differently. On my team, we’ve had virtual baby showers, bridal showers, new house tours, and now a WEDDING on Webex – because thanks to the cloud engineers at Cisco who build the soft…
#LoveWhereYouWork Contest Winner: Meeting Liz Centoni
Every year, Cisco’s Talent Brand team hosts the #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork contest where we get to share moments that matter to us and why we love working at Cisco throughout social media. THIS YEAR, however, there was a little change. In my inbox one morning was a message from Cisco’s Senior Vi…
Preemie to Coder: I am her #1 Biggest Fan
My daughter is a force to be reckoned with. Morgan was born at 25 weeks and 1 day weighing only 1 pound and 5 ounces. Before she was able to leave the hospital, she had multiple milestones to overcome including learning how to breathe. Something that we take for granted, my daughter worked hard t…
Question the Limit of your Opportunity
I joined Cisco one year ago in the summer of 2017 as a New Grad Software Engineer. And when I did, people often gave me the same piece of advice: “Take advantage of working at a large established company, you’ll never get better opportunities to grow in your career than this.” This advice really res…