A Powerful Platform to Drive Smart Outcomes in Cities
Cisco is not only one of the first organizations to have discerned the trends leading to the need for “smart city” strategies, it is also uniquely prepared to provide the smart solutions to city challenges. Cisco comes at smart cities, infrastructure up, building on its three decades of rock-solid n…
A better way to collaborate in industry
Collaboration is a hot topic in the manufacturing and energy industries for good reason. Efficient collaboration helps workers connect to expert resources faster and speed time to market. In short, it helps lower costs and improve profits.…
The Tempest – and the Digital Grid
We’ve all experienced it. A flash, a resounding boom, a flicker, then darkness. Then comes the scramble for the flashlights and candles. How long will the lights be out? It’s hard to say, but hopefully after a few anxious moments, there’s a flicker again and power is restored. Usually it’s a brief o…
MineXpo Shows No Turning Back for Digital Mining
I just got back from MineXpo in Las Vegas and had the pleasure to speak with both our partners and customers in this exciting market. The conference is very unique because it is only held every four years and to me this is telling of the industry. Not that the industry doesn’t change, but that chang…
How Paris Improves Building Efficiency to Become a Smart City
Data Storytellers: Each month we’ll be highlighting experts and advocates to share their data stories, knowledge, and insights into the future of data and analytics. Subscribe to the RSS feed to get the latest updates. The emergence of smart cities holds great promise for the economy and the c…
7 Use Cases for Wireless Technology in Oil & Gas
I often meet with customers about the first and easiest way to use IoT in an industrial domain: by deploying wireless technology. There is a lot of variety of Radio Frequency (RF) technologies being used in the industrial domain ranging from ZigBee to WirelessHART to WiFi to LoRa to LTE, etc. Unfort…
A Recap of Digital Energy at Cisco Live
Cisco Live is always an incredible event. It was an amazing experience from the sessions, to the speakers and the after hour events! There was just an incredible amount of energy and discussion across many different industries. We discussed business outcomes, digitization, and how cybersecurity is a…
Experience Robots, Flying Objects, and Shooting Stars in Virtual Reality
Did you know that about 60 years ago, “Sensorama” the first virtual reality (VR) machine was invented by Morton Heilig? And 50 years ago, the first VR and augmented reality HMD (head-mounted display) was created by Ivan Sutherland. [Source: Timeline of Virtual Reality]. Today, virtual reality techn…
Huge Demand for Cisco Selfie-Sticks at Esri User Conference!
A really fun day was held by all at the Ersi International User Conference in San Diego. Over one hundred and fifty delegates lined up to use a Cisco selfie-stick to take a ‘selfie’ against a Cisco San Diego photo back drop. Then they had to Tweet it to their followers with the hashtag &…