
February 8, 2018


Manufacturing mobility: Data, voice, video, and location

Manufacturers use wireless to increase margins, reduce cycle times, enable lean, and improve equipment productivity. While pervasive wireless connects sensors, tools, robots, AGVs, and RFID devices, it also enables mobility. Mobility supports far more than just cell phones, tablets, and laptops. Ver…

7 Use Cases for Wireless Technology in Oil & Gas

I often meet with customers about the first and easiest way to use IoT in an industrial domain: by deploying wireless technology. There is a lot of variety of Radio Frequency (RF) technologies being used in the industrial domain ranging from ZigBee to WirelessHART to WiFi to LoRa to LTE, etc. Unfort…

December 17, 2015


Analytics: Building a Winning Strategy in Manufacturing

Machinery, supply chains, and raw materials have always been core concerns in manufacturing. Today, another asset is just as critical — data. General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt said it well: “The industrial world is changing dramatically, and those companies that make the best use of d…

December 4, 2015


As Manufacturers Go Digital, Customer Value Expands

Every single day, I’m reminded that a digital revolution is taking place—from researching local coffee places on the dashboard of my car to ordering coffee on my mobile device—it’s clear that our lives are becoming more digitized. This is also apparent for the businesses and industries that manufact…

March 7, 2013


Cisco’s Chief Futurist Shares Top 5 Predictions for 2013 and Beyond #IoE

The future intrigues us all, especially when every now and then we’re able to catch a glimpse of what’s to come. At Cisco, one of the ways we build our business and serve our customers is to think about the future and how technology innovation stands to transform the world in which we live. This app…