data in motion

Making the Roads Safer Through the Internet of Everything

Over a decade ago, I started thinking about what life would be like with connected cars. Erratic drivers, speeding tickets and unfavorable weather could be avoided while driving. I read an article recently that takes a more in-depth look at the future of connected driving titled, Big Data: When Cars…

Five Truths about the Internet of Everything

I’ve been spending a lot of time talking and thinking about a world in which everything is connected.  The Internet of Everything isn’t some futuristic Idea that we are dreaming about, it’s charging forward at incredible speed and everything is being connected.  I’d like to look at five characterist…

IT Challenges in the Internet of Everything

In a previous post, we looked at examples of new business opportunities enabled by the Internet of Everything and the importance of evaluating Data in Motion in new ways. Naturally, the Internet of Everything brings its share of IT challenges. Data collection starts at the network edge, including a…

Opportunities and the Intelligent Network – Internet of Everything

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of the rising tide of real-time, sensor-generated data—aka Data in Motion—that will gather momentum as the Internet of Everything emerges. Unlocking the potential of Data in Motion cannot be achieved by analyzing stored data or by examining historical…

Cisco Sizzle – Summary of May’s Hottest Stories

Welcome to the Cisco Sizzle! Each month, we’re rounding up the best of the best from across our social media channels for your reading pleasure. From the most read blog posts to the top engaging content on Facebook or LinkedIn, catch up on things you might have missed, or on the articles you just wa…

Capturing Value from Data in Motion in the Internet of Everything

Much has been written about the vast number and variety of things that will soon be connected to the Internet—from milk cartons and alarm clocks to sensors and trains. Already in 2008, that number exceeded the number of people on earth. By 2020, when the next incarnation of the Internet—aka the Inte…

Continuing Conversation: Rick Smolan and the human face of big data

As more devices, people and things become connected to the Internet, an unprecedented amount of data will be generated: data which can become a powerful tool for solving some of the greatest challenges facing our planet. I spoke with well-known photojournalist Rick Smolan about how we can turn data…

April 2, 2013


Looking Beyond the Mobile Phone

Why the Network Will Drive the Next Wave of Mobility Forty years ago, the first phone call was placed on a handheld mobile phone. The call was placed by Martin Cooper at Motorola’s Communications Systems Division, who phoned a competitor at Bell Labs—and launched a new era. The brick-like prototype…

April 2, 2013


Cisco Sizzle – March Edition

Welcome to the Cisco Sizzle! Each month, we’re rounding up the best of the best from across our social media channels for your reading pleasure. From the most read blog posts to the top engaging content on Facebook or LinkedIn, catch up on things you might have missed, or on the articles you just wa…