data in motion

December 18, 2012


The Smartphone Gets Which Side of the Bed?

A whopping 90% of young people use their smartphones to help them face the day …often BEFORE they get out of bed. Even before a cup of coffee, young people grab their smartphone. They’re checking it for emails, texts and social media updates. The phone has become as much a morning ritual as the toot…

Putting a Human Face on Big Data at the Social Innovation Summit

Today, everyone at Cisco is excited about the release of a new book — “The Human Face of Big Data” by Rick Smolan, a former Time, Life, and National Geographic photographer best known as the creator of the “Day in the Life” book series. Cisco is a sponsor of the Human Face of Big Data Project,…

December 3, 2012


Is there a human face behind big data?

As more devices, people and things become connected to the Internet, an unprecedented amount of data will be generated: data which can become a powerful tool for solving some of the greatest challenges facing our planet. I joined well-known photojournalist Rick Smolan and other speakers in New York…