
April 8, 2019


Another Red Dot Design Award for Cisco Collaboration…This Time for the Room Kit Mini

We are thrilled that the 2019 Red Dot Awards have just been announced, and once again Cisco has been given this prestigious award, this time for our recently launched Cisco Webex Room Kit Mini video conferencing device. The Webex Room Kit Mini is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered video confere…

March 19, 2019


Cognitive Collaboration: The X-factor for Cisco partners

I’d like to take a minute to acknowledge the tremendous accomplishment we’ve achieved together this past quarter: 24% year-over-year growth in Collaboration. That’s massive! This is only possible with the help of our partners and all the hard work that you do. And for that, thank you. To thank you e…

March 4, 2019


Mardi Gras 2020: How the IoT is keeping it safe

It’s Mardi Gras week in New Orleans and this year’s celebration promises almost constant parades, unending music, and streets filled with costumes beyond imagination. During a recent visit, we saw first hand just how exciting the party can get. But we also caught a glimpse at just how ef…

March 1, 2019


Every Day is the Right Day to Ask, “R U Ok?”

As a Collaboration Engineer a major part of what I do at Cisco is to empower people with the right tools to connect with each other, conduct business, and have an open communication channel. It gives me a sense of contentment that we at Cisco get to help our customers in such ways, and that communic…

February 27, 2019


Cisco Live! Melbourne’s Innovation Pavilion Showcases Digital Future

Next week kicks off Cisco Live! Melbourne, and four of our inter-connected Co-Innovation Centers in the greater Asia Pacific region—in Sydney, Perth, Tokyo, and Singapore–will showcase some of the world’s latest digital solutions co-developed with customers and partners. Please join us along w…

February 12, 2019


Why Cisco partners should be excited for Enterprise Connect

As the Director for the Collaboration GTM in Cisco’s Global Partner Organization, I am responsible for developing the partner strategy for Cisco’s Collaboration solutions and helping our partners transform Cisco’s $5B Collaboration portfolio to a cloud services subscription model. Part of this…

February 7, 2019


Cisco Live Melbourne – DevNet Zone – Where Is Silvia?

Cisco Live weeks are long and busy. As my friend Denise warned you, sometimes when I need a break, I hide. So, here’s the Australia edition of “Where is Silvia?”, to help you find me at Cisco Live in Melbourne. #CiscoChat LIVE! #TeamDevNet is kicking-off the conference with the fi…

February 7, 2019


HCS-D: Securing the bridge to collaboration

Our grandparents tell us of a time when they often left their doors unlocked and their ground level windows open. A time when security and community went hand-in-hand. But times do, indeed, change. Today we take our personal security so much more seriously that we even have cameras in our doorbells.…

January 30, 2019


A veteran speaks: the need for simplicity in DoD IT Modernization

Guest Author: Gus Mendiola is a Cisco Systems Engineering Manager and veteran. He currently leads a team of engineers supporting the United States Army in CONUS, SWA, and Europe. He retired from the U.S. Army in 2013, after serving as a Platoon Leader, Company Commander, and in other leadership posi…