What is the Real Value of Managed Services?
Ask The Right Questions Of Your Managed Services Provider The value of managed services is often reduced to discussions about cost-cutting and taking a mess off the customer’s hands. However, the real value resides in ways that managed services help streamline operations, innovate with new technolo…
Shopping for Services: Creating A Shopping-Cart Experience for Business Services
By creating an intuitive service catalog with an eCommerce look and feel, you can take the complexities out of business services procurement and fulfillment. This leads to reduced time-to-deploy and ultimately a much higher level of customer satisfaction. Keeps the focus on the deliverables/outcom…
The Full Potential of Intelligent WAN: Reduce Complexity With Managed Services
Intelligent WAN and the Branch Problem Most enterprises struggle with their IT strategies when it comes to branch offices. At the core of this issue is the age-old problem of cost versus benefit (and also factoring in the ultimate quality of service at each price point). In a time when IT departme…
The Evolution and Growing Relevance of Managed Services in a Cloud Computing World
Defining Managed Services and Cloud Computing Managed Services is traditionally understood to be the practice of having a third party Service Provider – also known as a Managed Services Provider (MSP), take over the IT operations management (ITOM) responsibilities and functions from an enterp…
Why Care About Cloud Managed Services?
Here in Cisco’s Cloud and Managed Services, or CMS, we think a lot about the value proposition for the managed services offerings we bring to market. Obviously, we try to create managed services that help augment Cisco’s networking, collaboration, and data center products and that allow us to be suc…
Enroll Now in VIP 21 to Claim Your Share of Cisco’s Multi-Billion Dollar VIP Partner Investment
We place great value in our partner relationships. And since our inception of the Cisco Value Incentive Program (VIP), we’ve invested billions of dollars to help partners like you increase your return on your Cisco investment and boost your profitability. VIP 21 is available to all of our Cisco spec…