More Reactions to IDC’s 2014 Manufacturing Predictions- Supply Chains and B2B Commerce
Recently I wrote about a few real life examples of IDC Manufacturing Insights 2014 Predictions: Worldwide Manufacturing and their Top 10 predictions. I wanted to continue with some more examples to illustrate what is happening now and hopefully help you see some real life examples that are already t…
Lifestreaming in the Personal Cloud Era
Technology is changing the world at an ever increasing rate. The exponential jumps in processing power, mobile technologies, storage, and connection speeds are facilitating a whole new suite of possibilities. We are beginning to see the creation and realities of new connected experiences that allow…
Back to the Future: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
As information consumers that depend so much on the Network or Cloud, we sometimes indulge in thinking what will happen when we really begin to feel the effects of Moore’s Law and Nielsen’s Law combined, at the edges: the amount of data and our ability to consume it (let alone stream it to the edge)…
“Has Hybrid Cloud Arrived? Part 2: Cisco InterCloud makes hybrid cloud real !
In my last blog, “Has Hybrid Cloud Arrived? Part 1: And How Will it Shape the Role of IT Going Forward?” we looked at the business drivers of a hybrid cloud and previewed the key requirements. In this blog, we will look at Cisco InterCloud – a hybrid cloud solution, we announced this week at Cisco L…
Cisco Partner Weekly Rewind – January 31, 2014
Each week, we’ll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here’s what you might have missed this week: We continue to build momentum this week as we brought January 2014 to a close…
Summary: Crossing the bridge – Five cloud services you should pay attention to
A number of key applications consumed by businesses through premise-based deployments are now available from the cloud. Irrespective of where you are in the evolution to the cloud, here are five services that are worth your attention. Read my full article for a closer look!…
Seamless Solutions for a World of Many Clouds
Considering all the hype around the cloud, it’s easy to forget that we live in a world of many clouds. Organizations can’t simply tap into a single all-powerful entity located everywhere and nowhere, all at once. In reality, they must dip in and out of a complex and often challenging array of public…
Evolving to Cloud and Hybrid IT
For a while now, I’ve been promoting that partners need to adopt a Hybrid IT business model to be successful and stay competitive in a world with more market transitions, more technologies, and more customer choices than ever before. Customers are consuming IT differently, and line-of-business decis…
Cisco Announces Breakthrough Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Cisco’s vision for ‘The World of Many Clouds’™ drove us to a leading position in the Cloud Market: Cloud infrastructure equipment sales: Ranked #1 in the industry three quarters in a row by Synergy Research for Q3 2013 According to IDC analysts and buyer perception, Cisco is an IDC MarketScape R…