Cloud Computing

December 7, 2017


Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 29: The State of OpenStack, and a Few Other Things, with Ben Kepes

He’s an ultra-marathoner, a highly respected tech industry reporter, and an angel investor (he’s not at all fond of that last label for its sheer pretentiousness, but I can’t think of any other way to describe what he does). He works a lot, but doesn’t really work for anyone—except himself. All of w…

December 1, 2017


Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 28: VPP, Kubernetes, and with Ed Warnicke

I know what you’re going to say when I reveal that this week’s guest is going to talk about Vector Packet Processing (VPP): “Why do we—the Cloud Unfiltered audience—care about VPP?! I mean, it’s a networking technology, right? And this is a cloud show. We’re here to talk cloud technology and share c…

October 25, 2017


Cisco and Google: Enabling Breakthrough Open Hybrid Cloud Innovation

Public cloud has been around for about a decade; during that time we’ve gone through a very rapid evolution from skepticism, to experimentation, to a great debate about private versus public cloud and which is best. Through this debate, it’s become evident that the vast majority of enterprises will…

October 3, 2017


Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 21: Women in Tech, with Anne McCormick

Has anything really changed for women in tech over the past 20 years? It’s definitely a question worth asking if you’re a woman, and hopefully one you’re at least mildly interested in if you’re a man. We did not initially ask Anne to be on the show so she could cover that topic—we asked her on…

September 22, 2017


Function-as-a-Service 301: New Frontiers

At some point in this series, either Function-as-a-Service 101: What is It? or Function-as-a-Services 201: Common Architectures, you might have said to yourself, “Wait a minute, Cisco sells servers so why are you talking about serverless technologies?”  Even keeping in mind the oxymoroni…

Cisco & Women: Transforming the Entertainment Industry One Award at a Time!

A few weeks ago, I was named the 2017 Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) Woman to Watch for their newly established Technology category.  Talk about honored—I am going to be sharing the stage with some seriously badass movers and shakers: Sara Barnett, BBC America’s President and GM; D’Arcy Ru…

August 24, 2017


Drones Rising from the Fog

As adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) makes the world more “connected,” drones or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are no exception. We are seeing an increasing number of cloud-connected drones deployed for commercial applications. But what happens when there is an absence of continuous connect…

August 22, 2017


Function-as-a-Service 201: Common Architectures

In my last entry in this space, entitled Function-as-a-Service 101: What is it?, I introduced the concepts, players, and basic usage of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS).  But how are people actually using it?  Welcome to Function-as-a-Service 201: Common Architectures. Back in December at AWS re:Invent,…

July 3, 2017


Cloud: The Truth is Out There

Unidentified Flying Objects, or unexplained aerial observations, have been reported throughout history. The term ‘flying saucer’ wasn’t coined until 1947, when an amateur pilot in the US was misquoted in the press when he claimed he saw nine crescent-shaped objects flying through the air like “sauce…