Cisco Spark

May 23, 2017


Working Smarter with Cisco Spark Widgets and SDKs

Working smarter while we work together. That’s what we’re all about. In fact, it’s this exact idea that forms the foundation of the Cisco Spark Depot, the hub for all Cisco Spark integrations and bots. (See my previous post.) If you haven’t had a chance to check out the Cisco Spark Depot in the past…

May 16, 2017


Getting the Fast Mover Advantage

To gain competitive advantage, you need to get things done faster and we can help. Moving fast is critical in the disruptive economy. It is no longer just Uber in transportation and Amazon in retail that are disrupting industries. Traditional industries like agriculture and financial services are ch…

May 11, 2017


Connected Education and the Power of Video

This post comes from Marissa Liu, a collaboration product marketing specialist at Cisco. As a recent graduate of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she has seen firsthand the evolution of digital education and is optimistic about its future. Whether you’re in fourth grade or grad scho…

May 10, 2017


Create New Learning Experiences with Cisco Spark

Gone are the days when going to class meant simply sitting, listening, taking notes, and studying for an exam. Today’s learning environments need to offer so much more. With Cisco Spark and Cisco Spark Board for education, you can personalize the learning experience, helping students, educator…

April 21, 2017


Guest Post: Forest Conservation in an Agile Era

This post comes from Trude Myhre, a forest conservation advisor for World Wildlife Fund – Norway. WWF-Norway is responsible for the implementation of a number of large and small projects, both in Norway and in our partner countries. Part of what I love about my work is going out into the wild. I le…

April 18, 2017


Compliance: Not Just a Necessary Evil; Good for Business

Does corporate compliance have you in a conundrum? Sure, we all dread compliance as we dread doing our taxes every year. It takes time and effort. It and keeps us away from the interesting stuff in our jobs — like innovating, collaborating, and growing the business. After all, employee product…

April 3, 2017


A Designer’s View: Winning Red Dot’s “Best of the Best” for Cisco Spark Board

Today feels like what it must be to be a race driver winning the Le Mans or an actor winning the Oscars. As a product designer, it’s an amazing feeling to be awarded “Best of the Best” Red Dot Design Award. No doubt it is a privilege to win this award, but like the race driver at Le Mans, it can’t b…

March 30, 2017


Enterprise Connect 2017, Day 4: Panels, Quotes, Bunnies, Oh My!

Things were a bit quieter at Enterprise Connect today as the event came to a close with a few morning sessions and the final summary panel concluding at noon. Panels Bots, AI and IoT: Will They Transform Customer Care? Sheila McGee-Smith brought together the panel to discuss some of the latest force…

March 29, 2017


Cisco Spark Board Wins Best of Enterprise Connect 2017

One of the highlights of my career was being part of the evolution and launch of the Cisco Spark Board. I almost felt the industry come alive with excitement when we introduced this revolutionary all-in-one collaboration device in January. Two months later, the excitement lives on as the Cisco Spark…